问题 翻译题


1. 明天是母亲节。我们去给她买个礼物吧!

    Tomorrow is Mother's Day. ______ go and buy a present for her.

2. 吃含有苏丹红1号的食物是不安全的。 

    ______ to eat food with Sudan I.

3. 这位穷困的女孩非常幸运,她通过希望工程得到了许多书。

    The poor girl was ______ she received many books from Project Hope.

4. 最近,科学家们正忙着撰写有关甲型H1N1流感的研究报告。

    Scientists ______ the report on A/H1Nl Flu these days.

5. 我认为现在还不是放松的时候。我们仍然有许多要做的事情。

    I ______. We still have a lot to do.


1. Let's

2. It is not safe/It is dangerous

3. so lucky that

4. are busy writing

5. don't think it is/it's time to relax
