1. 西樵山由72座小山组成。
Xiqiao Mountain is ___________________ 72 hills.
2. 他以打鱼为生,所以每天很早就动身。
He makes a living by fishing, so every day he ___________________ very early.
3. 我输了,但至少我可以说自己尝试过了。
I lose, but ___________________ I can say I tried.
4. 无论我们变得多老,童年都会永远留在记忆里。
___________________ we grow, childhood will forever stay in our memory.
5. 大明说:“我想去看《加勒比海盗4》。”
Daming said that ___________________ see Pirates of the Caribbean 4.
1. made up of
2. sets out / starts
3. at least
4. No matter how old
5. he would like to / he wanted to