1. 这个女孩对音乐很感兴趣。
The girl _________ an _________ in music very much.
2. 我喜欢有熊的雪花玻璃球。
I like the snow globe _________ bears _________ it.
3. 这车的价格真的很低,是吗?
The car's _________ is really _________, isn't it?
4. 他们学校四分之三的老师都是女老师。
_________ of the teachers in their school _________ women teachers.
5. 昨天他决定呆在家里,而没有去看电影。
He decided to stay at home _________ _________ go to the cinema yesterday.
6. 如果你插队,别人会不高兴。
If you _________ in _________, others won't be pleased.
7. 乱丢垃圾是不好的习惯。
_________ _________ is a bad habit.
1. takes interest 2. with in 3. price low 4. Three quarters/ Three fourths are
5. rather than 6. cut line 7. Dropping litter