问题 问答题

(本小题6分,可以选用中文或英文解答,如使用英文解答,须全部使用英文,答题正确的,增加5分,最高得分为11分。)   某汽车生产商的内部审计部门正就旗下生产的渣土运输车进行尾气排放测试。内部审计部门发现,公司针对渣土运输车向外公布的尾气排放信息与内部记 录的实际数据有重大差异。内部审计部门经理表示,测试样本显示的尾气排放量实际上要高于对外公布的排放量,有可能涉及虚假披露和违反环保法律法规。虽然已 向相关部门主管报告,但该部门主管只承认错误并未采取任何改进措施。   要求:




事件中暴露与风险相关的主要问题  ①报告数据不准确是由于对外公布时擅自更改或出现严重错误,这可能削弱企业依赖此数据所生成的其他报告的完整性及可依赖性,并反映出操作风险的存在和公司整体内控意识薄弱。  ②虚报/错报事件对公司的公众形象带来负面的影响,这有可能影响其渣土运输车的销售,对公司业务的长远发展带来不利影响。  ③违反环保法规可能会导致企业受到法律的制裁。  ④如果实际数据违反了环保法规的要求,则可能是在生产设计过程中出现了漏洞,这是企业风险评估的严重过失。  ⑤对外错误或虚报报告可能表明管理层对风险与内控管理的轻率态度。如果在某一个区域,管理层得悉并纵容虚假报告,将会造成上行下效的后果。英文答案:The incident unveils the following risk-related issues:  ①The data reported to the public is as a result of either the unauthorized changes made to them or the significant errors that was made. All these would indirectly affect the completeness and reliability of the report that is generated from these data. It also reflects the operational risk that the Company might have been facing and the weak internal control awareness in the Company.  ②The misstatement either intentionally or unintentionally would negatively impact the image of the Company, and also the sales of the related vehicles . These may become a hindrance to the Company’s future development.  ③The violation of the environmental law may bring the Company’s the legal consequence or sanctions, such as fines.  ④If the data is in violation of the environmental law, it may imply the existence of deficiencies in the production design or the related process.Either of these is a loophole in the enterprise risk assessment process.  ⑤The misstatement either intentionally or unintentionally may imply the hasty management’s attitude to risk and internal control management. If in one area that the management simply allows the intentional misstatement being made, it would send a wrong message to other people in the Company such kind of incident is allowed.
