问题 填空题

Directions:This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked 1), 2), 3) ,4) or 5) in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match.
1) ______ the Grammar-Translation Method
2) ______ the Direct Method
3) ______ the Audiolingual Method
4) ______ the Cognitive Approach
5) ______ the Communicative Approach
a) The primary function of language is communication.
b) All languages originated from one language and were ruled by a common grammar.
c) Language is a system of structurally related elements for the expressions of meaning.
d) Every language has its own structures and can not be forced into the constraining pattern of Latin grammar.
e) A native speaker has in his brain a set of grammar rules which he can use to make sentences with.



解析:直接法所依据的语言理论主要来自以下观点:(1) 每一种语言都有自己独特的结构(Every language has its own structure):(2) 口头语言早于书面语言(Spoken language comes before written language);(3) 口头语言是可以学习的声音体系(Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds);(4) 语言和思想有着密切的联系(Language and thought are closely linked)。其中观点一认为每种语言都有自己独特的结构,不能被死搬硬套进拉丁语语法中,这种观点否定了在传统教学法中翻译法的主导作用,并推动了直接法来代替翻译法作为外语教学的主要方法。



第一种意见认为秦始皇功大于过;第二种意见是过大于功;第三种意见认为秦始皇是一个有大功也有大过的历史人物。目前国内绝大多数史学家都持第三种看法。对秦始皇政策争议最大的是他的“焚书坑儒”。一种意见认为,“焚书坑儒” 是为孟姜女哭长城民间流传的故事孟姜女哭长城,是我国古代著名的民间传说,它以戏剧、歌谣、诗文、说唱等形式,广泛流传,可谓家喻户晓。相传秦始皇时,劳役繁重,青年男女范喜良、孟姜女新婚三天,新郎就被迫出发修筑长城,不久因饥寒劳累而死,尸骨被埋在长城墙下。孟姜女身背寒衣,历尽艰辛,万里寻夫来到长城边,得到的却是丈夫的噩耗。她痛哭城下,三日三夜不止,城为之崩裂,露出范喜良尸骸,孟姜女于绝望之中投海而死。从此,山海关被后人认为是“孟姜女哭长城”之地,并在那里盖了孟姜女庙,南来北往的人 * * 鼓吹复辟倒退的儒生和儒家思想,具有“厚今薄古”的进步意义,当然也不否认其鲜明阶级局限性。另一种意见认为,“焚书坑儒”从出发点到立足点,都是彻头彻尾野蛮、反动的,它导致万马齐喑,结束了春秋战国以来百家争鸣的局面,后果极为严重。还有的认为,对“焚书坑儒”应做具体的分析,它是巩固统一的需要,但手段残暴,影响极坏。








