问题 选择题

从1999年6月19日江 * * 同志在西安向全国发出实施西部大开发战略的号召开始,西部开发已经进行了10年了,在这期间,西部经济增加明显快于全国水平,人民的生活得到显著改善。但是也出现了一系列的生态环境问题,如草原退化,土地沙化,森林减少等。已经引起了相关部门的重视。结合资料,完成1—2题。

1、下列哪一项不是我国西部开发中存在的主要问题[ ]





2、下列对我国西部开发中土地资源利用现状的说法,正确的是[ ]









阅读理解 。

   Overseas Chinese youths, such as Chinese Americas, Chinese Canadians, and Chinese Australians

are growing up in two different kinds of culture’s. Sometimes they are confused about the culture of

the society and the Chinese cultural background of their family. "Which country is my motherland?"

"Where is my original hometown?" and "Who is my grand grandmother?" are some of the questions

they may ask. To answer these questions, a root-searching tour was organized. It was a perfect way

to help them find the answers themselves. The youths got the chance not only to go sightseeing but

also to experience the colure in the local places.    

     After the camp, Sam, a Chinese American, said that this time he came to Beijing to see the Great

Wall of China with his own eyes. The next time he comes, he wants to watch the    

     Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. A girl from Canada said that she learned very little from books

and her parents, but now she deeply experienced the culture. Most of them realized the links between

themselves and China at Root-Seeking Camp.    

     One said,"With only what my parents say, I can't feel proud of my Chinese origin, but now I not

only feel proud of my motherland but also love her. I will remember this root searching tour for ever. "

1. Who were the member of the summer camp? 

A. Students from Western countries.              

B. Overseas Chinese adults,              

C. Overseas Chinese youths.              

D. Overseas Chinese old people.

2. Why was the summer camp organized?    

A. To experience the two cultures.              

B. To find the answers to some puzzles.              

C. To do some sightseeing in China.              

D. To find the links between teenagers and China.

3. What does the author think of the root-searching tour?  

A. It is a perfect way for overseas Chinese youths to experience Chinese culture.             

B. It is a good chance for overseas Chinese youths to learn Chinese.             

C. It is a way to build good relationship between the teenagers and their parents.              

D. It is a good idea for overseas Chinese to come to China.

4. What does the girl from Canada think?            

A. Reading is a good way to learn about different cultures.            

B. She prefers personal experience to books and parents' stories.            

C. She has learned a lot about Chinese culture from books and her parents.            

D. She can watch the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.

5. What was the result of the root-searching tour?              

A. The teenagers feel proud of their Chinese origin.              

B. The teenagers were confused about their Chinese origin.              

C. The teenagers would come to see the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.              

D. The teenagers experienced Chinese culture and felt proud of it.
