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                                            The Field Museum

      1400s, Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL60605-2496(312)922-9410


     Regular hours are 9:00am--5:00 pm, daily. Last admission at 4:00 pm.

     Open every day except Christmas.


     We have several ticket choices for you to choose from. Advance tickets may be purchaced at the

will-call booth in person at the museum before 4:00pm.


     Visitor parking in all lots on the Museum Campus is $15 per day. This includes the Adler lot, the

north garage, the Waldron garage and the east museum lot.

     Hours for the north garage and Adler lot are 5:00am-5:00pm. Mon-Fri and 6:00am-5:00pm

weekends; east museum lot 9:00am-3:00pm. Designated handicapped parking is available in every lot.

     When all other lot are full,parking will be made avail;able in the remote south lot for $8 per day.

    From Memorial Day to Labor Day, the parking lot will only accept cashpayment,which will need to

be paid upon entering the garage.

     Please note:these hours and rates are for daytime only and do not apply when special events are

scheduled at the museuma or Soldier Field.

     Getting here during Chicago Bears Home Games

     During bears home games and other major special events at Soldier Field,access to the museum

campus can be challenging. No museum visitor parking is available on the Museum Campus during

bears home games. However,public transit remains a great way to get to the Campus every day of

the year.for more information, call the Regional Transportation Authority at (312)836-7000 or visit


     Additional parking is available at Monroe Street garage, located at 350East Monroe Street.

1.If you buy advance tickets, you______.

A. call 60605-2496(312)-922-9410 to register a ticket

B. should go and buy tickets all by yourself

C. can ask others to buy a ticket for you

D. make an order with the nuseum in advance

2. where can you park your car for the least cost?

A. The south lot    

B. The Adler lot  

C. The north lot    

D. The Waldron garage

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The museum is opened all the year round.

B. You can usually pay your parkinf in check.

C. during bears home games visitors can park on the museum campus for free.

D. after 4:00pm you are not allowed to enter the museum.


1-3: BAD

单项选择题 案例分析题






(2)2010年10月1日,A公司一款新型产品上市,对于购买该款产品的消费者,A公司做出如下承诺:该产品售出后3年内,在正常使用过程中如出现质量问题,A公司免费负责保修。经合理测算,该产品如果发生较小质量问题,发生的维修费用为销售收入的2%;如果发生较大质量问题,发生的维修费用为销售收入的4%。2010年第四季度,A公司共销售该产品2 500台,每台售价2万元,销售收入共计5 000万元,预计85%不会发生质量问题,10%很可能发生较小质量问题;5%很可能发生较大质量问题。

(3)2010年8月,A公司与D公司签订一份Y产品销售合同,约定在2011年5月底以650万元的价格总额向D公司销售1 000件Y产品,违约金为合同总价款的20%。

2010年12月31日,A公司库存Y产品1 000件,成本总额为800万元,按目前市场价格计算的市价总额为800万元。假定A公司销售Y产品不发生销售费用。









