1. 北京的冬天很冷,经常下雪。
It's quite _______ in Beijing in ______ and it often _______.
2. 迈克和他的父母一起正在新加坡度假。
Mike with his parents _______ _______ _______ in Singapore.
3. 他们躺在沙滩上,他们真放松。
They _______ _______ on the beach, they are _______ _______.
4. 这本书很有趣,我喜欢看。
This book is _______, I like _______.
5. 那边有一些人,一些是中国人,另一些是日本人。
There are some people over there, _______ _______Chinese, _______ ______ Japanese.
1. cold winter snows 2. is on vacation 3. are lying relaxed
4. interesting reading it 5. some are others are