问题 阅读理解

     Most people agree that the direct, overconfident American personality is a virtue, but it sometimes

surprises foreigners. In many cultures, respect for older people or those in positions of authority (权威)

keeps others from expressing their true feelings. But in the U.S. children often argue with their parents,

students may disagree with their teachers, and citizens may express opposition to the actions of the

government.  If the soup has a fly in it or the meat is too tough to chew, the diner can complain to the

waiter, if the boss makes a mistake, an employee will politely point it out.

     Some straight talk about the American personality must include the admission that Americans have

their faults. The extremely competitive nature of Americans is probably their worst fault. Of course,

competition isn't always bad. As a matter of fact, it promotes excellence by encouraging individuals and

businesses to try to do their best. But the desire to get ahead of others sometimes causes people to do

things that are unkind and even dishonest. Also, Americans admire what is practical, fast, efficient, and

fresh. Sometimes they fail to understand and appreciate practices that have greater respect for more

traditional, leisurely (不慌不忙的) ways of doing things. On the other hand, people from other cultures

may dislike the practical, challenging American lifestyle.

     Despite culture differences, most foreigners give Americans credit for their virtues. Americans are

generally viewed as friendly, adaptable, energetic, and kindhearted. Most newcomers to the U.S. like

Americans, and the feeling is usually mutual (相互的). Perhaps the greatest American virtue is a deep

interest in new ideas and new people. In a nation of immigrants, the foreigner does not remain an

outsider for long.

1. In order to show the respect for older people, ______.

A. people from some other cultures will always express their true feelings

B. people from some other cultures may sometimes hide their true feelings

C. Americans always show their true feelings

D. Americans usually argue with them

2. Why is the extremely competitive nature considered as one of the American faults?

A. Because people from other cultures fear competition.

B. Because only American people own it.

C. Because it will make people forget leisure.

D. Because it may sometimes urge people to do something bad.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. American people are more critical of everything than people from other cultures

B. the author believes that American character has more faults than virtues

C. the author admires American virtues as they are viewed as competitive and anti-traditional

D. it is difficult for newcomers to get on with Americans

4. The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. American virtues                    

B. American characters

C. American faults                      

D. American lifestyles


1-4:  BDAB


短文二 笑 冰 心 雨声渐渐住了,窗帘后隐隐的透进清光来。推开窗户一看,呀!凉云散了,树叶上的残滴,映着月儿,好似萤光千点,闪闪烁烁的动着。一真没想到苦于孤灯之后,会有这么一副清美的图画! 凭窗站了一会儿,微微的觉得凉意侵人。转过身来,忽然眼花缭乱,屋子里的别的东西,都隐在光云里;一片幽辉,只浸着墙上画中的安琪儿。——这白衣的安琪儿,抱着花儿,扬着翅儿,向着我微微的笑。“这笑容仿佛在哪儿看见过似的,什么时候,我曾……” 我不知不觉的便坐在窗口下想,——默默的想。 严闭的心幕,慢慢拉开了,涌出五年前的一个印象。——一条很长的古道。驴脚下的泥, 兀自滑滑的。田沟里的水,潺潺的流着。近村的绿树,都笼在湿烟里。弓儿似的新月,挂在树梢。一边走着,似乎道旁有一个孩子,抱着一堆灿白的东西。驴儿过去了,无意中回头一 看。——他抱着花儿,赤着脚儿,向着我微微的笑。 这笑容又仿佛是哪儿看见过似的!我仍是想一一默默的想。 又现出一重心幕来,也慢慢的拉开了,涌出十年前的一个印象。——茅檐下的雨水,一滴一滴的落到衣上来。土阶边的水泡儿,泛来泛去的乱转。门前的麦垅和葡萄架子,都濯得新黄嫩绿的非常鲜丽。一一一会儿好容易雨晴了,连忙走下坡儿去。迎头看见月儿从海面上来了,猛然记得有件东西忘下了,站住了,回过头来。这茅屋的老妇人-她倚着门儿,抱着花儿,向着我微微的笑。 这同样微妙的神情,好似游丝一般,飘飘荡荡的合了拢来绾在一起。 这时心下光明澄静,好登仙界,如归故乡。眼前浮现的三个笑容,一时融化在爱的调和里看不分明了。


A.慈爱 纯美 天真

B.天真 慈爱 纯美

C.纯美 天真 慈爱

D.慈爱 天真 纯美