问题 综合题


材料一 1920年许多农民给各级苏维埃机关提交请愿书,奥格涅茨省的一个农民在信中写道:与穷凶极恶的资产阶级强盗的斗争已经三年了,这需要国家作出巨大的牺牲和忍受极度的困苦,而这一切都给我们带来新的沉重的负担……我们毫无怨言地承受着这些重担。           


材料二 新经济政策成功地解决了战时遗留的危机。到1926年时苏联的农业产量已经达到1914年以前的水平(注:当时历史最高水平)……在1925年逝世前不久,列宁已经决定要继续实行新经济政策,他认为这是通向社会主义的最佳道路。            


材料三 苏联的办法把农民挖得很苦。他们采取所谓的义务交售制等项办法,把农民生产的东西拿走太多,给的代价又极低。他们这样来积累资金,使农民的生产积极性受到极大 的损害。                             

——毛 * * :《论十大关系》



(3)材料三中毛 * * 主要批评的是斯大林模式中在经济方面的哪种做法?(2分)



(1)政策及措施:“战时 * * 主义”政策中的余粮收集制。(4分)




Have you ever wanted to be a college student? If so, then you must know that you have to be a smart student. This means you have to achieve excellent grades in high school. The following tips may be of great help to you.
Stop spending most of your free time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Your spare time can be spent in studying and reviewing the knowledge your teacher has already spread.
Record important notes that your teacher explains in class. This will help reduce your preparation time for tests., which means you could start studying early. You should also read through your notes carefully because most of the things on your notes are likely to appear on the test paper.
Ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand some of the knowledge. Don’t be afraid of asking questions, or you will not get a better understanding of the knowledge.
Study for your tests as soon as possible. If you finish it fast, you will have more time to relax and do your favorite things. In addition, waiting until late at night will only make things harder because you may feel tired.
Join a tutoring(家教) service near you if you are really serious about your grades. There are many tutoring services and if you can’t find any near you, there are services available to the public on line. Tutoring services can be a great way to get extra help and can be a great way to prepare yourself for the tests.
Title: How to be a smart student
You have to 小题1:.__________excellent grades.
·小题3:.________ most of your time in studying and reviewing what your teacher has covered.
·Note what your teacher 小题4:________ in class and study it soon afterwards.
·Study your notes in case the information 小题5:________ on the test paper.
·Be 小题6:.____ enough to ask your teacher questions if you have any problems.
·If you have questions but don’t ask for help, you will not 小题7:._____ the knowledge well.
·Try to finish your study for tests before doing what you like 小题8:.__________.
·Don’t wait until it is too 小题9:._______ to study because you may feel tired then.
·Join a tutoring service or an online class, which can be 小题10:.______ to you.