问题 多项选择题

案例二(一)资料 2012年4月,某审计组对乙公司2011年度财务收支情况进行了审计。有关销售与收款业务循环审计的情况和资料如下。 1.审计人员在调查了解相关会计政策时获知,因近年来原材料成本不断上涨,产成品成本呈逐年上升趋势。2011年,乙公司将产品销售成本的结转方法由原来的先进先出法改为加权平均法。 2.审计人员在对相关内部控制进行测评的基础上,针对主营业务收入采取了如下审计程序: ①编制主营业务收入明细表,并与总账、明细账相核对; ②将年度内各月主营业务收入与上年同期的实际数相比较; ③计算销售毛利率,并与行业平均毛利率进行比较; ④抽取大额主营业务收入明细记录,追查至销售发票存根和发货凭证。 3.乙公司某主要产品的销售毛利率为6%,审计人员经调查了解,发现该类产品的行业平均毛利率为15%。 4.审计人员决定以积极函证方式审查应收账款的真实性,函证过程中实施了如下审计程序: ①由乙公司出纳员负责填写信封并将询证函寄出; ②审计人员编制了函证汇总分析表作为审计工作底稿; ③对一次函证未能在规定时间内回复的,再次寄出询证函; ④多次发函均未能收到对方复函的,建议乙公司作坏账处理。 5.审计人员对应收账款明细账进行审查时发现,2011年6月30日,乙公司收回以前年度已核销坏账320000元,所作会计分录为: 借:应收账款320000 贷:主营业务收入320000 借:银行存款320000 贷:应收账款320000 (二)要求:根据上述资料,为下列问题从备选答案中选出正确的答案。








解析: 在原材料成本不断上涨的情况下,将产品销售成本的结转方法由原来的先进先出法改为加权平均法,会使当期的销货成本增加,年末存货余额减少,并导致当年营业利润减少。

     The three youths leaned over the metal rails along the sea-wall and watched a few fishermen pull in
their nets. About thirty metres away, a boat pulled alongside the slippery steps leading ___1__ to the
     "Hey, look!" exclaimed Rahim. "Those two men are ___2__ heavy rocks. I thought we no longer do
muscle labour in this technological ___3__. "
     "You don't __4___ a crane (起重机) to unload less than a dozen rocks, do you?" smiled Joshua.
      "But those men don't __5___ to have muscles at all,"said Michael, rather surprised. Joshua
     "They are ___6__ laborers who know how to spread the weight of the rocks they ___7__. See how
the man positions the rock just at the slope of his      8     . Some of the rock's weight is set ___9__ his
head, some on the right hand and some on the left hand. His body isn't bent. His legs are well __10___ ."
     "You're right, Josh. He may have a small build. ___11__ he certainly well knows his job. Dear me!
And to think we have been studying ___12__! " Rahim thought about all that was happening. Suddenly,
he said, "Technology won't ___13__ the human being completely, it appears."
     "I don't think it will. " ___14__ Joshua.
     "You can harvest a crop of potatoes or wheat with one of those large, multi-purpose tractors, but
you __15___ use that equipment to harvest tea leaves and tomatoes, will you?""You can get a computer
to __16___ multiple-choice assessments, but you cannot get the computer to produce of assess essays,
can you?"asked Michael.
     "Well, the washing machine leaves my shirt collar quite as ___17__ as ever — that's domestic
technology for you! " said Rahim.
     "One day, perhaps, there won't be anybody ___18___ who can carry a large rock the way those
men do. It's not going to be a very ___19___ world, I'm afraid." Sighed Michael.
     "You're too much of a pessimist (悲观主义者), Mike." Said Joshua. " __20___ will always be other
things that will make the world exciting. "
( )1. A. through  
( )2. A. loading  
( )3. A. way      
( )4. A. ask      
( )5. A. happen  
( )6. A. ambitious  
( )7. A. take      
( )8. A. shoulder  
( )9. A. on        
( )10. A. supported
( )11. A. but      
( )12. A. chemistry
( )13. A. control  
( )14. A. agreed    
( )15. A. can't    
( )16. A. point out
( )17. A. dirty    
( )18. A. caught    
( )19. A. exciting  
( )20. A. That      
B. across      
B. unloading  
B. revolution  
B. expect      
B. fail        
B. experienced
B. fetch    
B. back      
B. against    
B. grasped  
B. however  
B. physics  
B. affect      
B. proposed  
B. mustn't  
B. take out    
B. clean      
B. arranged    
B. mysterious  
B. This        
C. down          
C. covering      
C. process      
C. attempt      
C. have         
C. potential       
C. carry         
C. chest          
C. toward         
C. placed        
C. so           
C. biology       
C. remove        
C. refused       
C. won't      
C. hand out       
C. old           
C. left            
C. technological  
C. They           
D. up          
D. uncovering  
D. era          
D. hope        
D. seem        
D. energetic    
D. bring        
D. arms        
D. under        
D. strengthened
D. therefore    
D. psychology  
D. replace      
D. denied      
D. needn't
D. print out    
D. new          
D. convinced    
D. modern      
D. There        
单项选择题 案例分析题