问题 阅读理解

You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn’t. It’s in Washington D.C. It’s called the Library of Congress.

President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress. He wanted them to be able to read books about law. The first 740 books were bought in England. They were simply set up in the room where Congress met. Then Thomas Jefferson sold Congress many of his own books. He felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. This idea changed the library forever.

The library grew and grew. Now it covers a large area of land. It contains20million books as well as many pictures, movies, globes and machines. Experts in every field work there. Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. Many of them get answers right over the phone.  

The library is a huge storehouse. Thomas Edison’s first movie and Houdini’s magic books are preserved there. And it is the proud owner of the world’s best collection of humorous books.

小题1:The first step in starting the Library of Congress was         .

A.buying Thomas Jefferson’s books

B.buying books from England

C.putting up the library building

D.asking experts in every field to work there小题2:Thomas Jefferson’s opinion about the library was that      .

A.it should buy books on law

B.it should be the largest in the world

C.it should have books on all subjects

D.it should answer all kinds of questions小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Thomas Jefferson enriched the collection of the Library.

B. The Library of Congress is in Washington D.C.

C. The Library of Congress has books on all subjects from the very beginning.

D. You can ask the experts in the Library of Congress all kinds of questions by phone.

小题4:The best title for this passage is       .

A.General Introduction to the library of congress

B.The building of the Library of Congress

C.The Library of Congress—the American’s Pride

D.The Library of Congress—the World’s Best Collection of Humorous Books






小题1:根据文章的第二自然段“President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress. He wanted them to be able to read books about law. The first 740 books were bought in England.”即约翰-亚当斯总统在1800年为国会议员建立图书馆,目的是让他们能读有关法律的书,最初的740本是从应该购进的。由此可以断定该题选B

小题2:根据“He (John Adams) felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. ”他认为国会应该欧各种各类的书籍,不仅仅是有关法律的书。由此可以断定该题选C

小题3:根据“He (John Adams) felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. ”他认为国会应该有各种各类的书籍,不仅仅是有关法律的书。此可以断定,选项A B D 是正确的,故该题选C

小题4:根据文章的大意可知,本文主要介绍了“the Library of Congress”的一些情况,从创立,经扩充,最后成为最大的图书馆。故该题选A







④当然,读书要有选择。我们不仅要读书,而更重要的是要读好书。“法轮功”痴迷者的一个沉痛教训,一是不读书,心灵愚昧;二是虽读书,但读的是李洪志《转法轮》一类鼓吹邪说的坏书。陈果、刘思影就是受李洪志歪理邪说的毒害而走上绝路的。到目前为止,已有239名“法轮功”练习者为上“天国”而自杀身亡。这种悲剧的产生,便是愚昧的产物。事实证明,读好书,能使人走向光明,进入德的境界;读坏书、邪书,会使人走向绝路;不读书则会导致人进入黑暗的深渊。只有多读好书,才能治邪、治恶,促使美善之树长出文明的花朵;无德,是灵魂的卑鄙,是干坏事、办错事的一种动因。“读一切好书,就是和许多高尚的人说话”(笛卡尔语),“种种蠢事,在每天阅读好书的影响下,仿佛烤在火上一样,渐渐熔化”(雨果语)。“腹有书气自华”,多读好书,可以使自己的人格高尚,灵魂伟大,不干坏事,少办错事。孙中山、毛 * * 、周恩来等革命先驱和鲁迅、茅盾、邓拓等有作为的作家,都是一生手不释卷、博览名著的知识渊博者;反之,历史上那些昏君 * * 臣、邪恶歹徒、民族败类一类人物,很少有喜欢读书的,更谈不上读好书。例如:慈禧太后丧权辱国,_________,__________,如果这些人能够读点好书,他们会成为历史罪人吗?“常玉不琢,不成文章。君子不学,不成其德”,要培养高尚的道德,应当从读书开始。一个不读书的国家,只能是一个愚昧的国家,而愚昧的国家是不能进行“以德治国”的。







