问题 问答题




解析:[参考样文] People in modern society have to endure heavy burdens because of fierce competition. As a result, many of them become less strong both physically and spiritually. Some people are tortured by minor diseases; some are stuck in depression; and some others even have the impulse to kill themselves to escape the reality. Therefore,some scientists suggest that it’s time for people to do something to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Here are some tips that may help you keep fit. Exercise regularly. Physical exercises help to build up your body, strengthen your heart, and keep you energetic. Jogging, swimming, tennis, aerobics are all good choices. Be optimistic. A person of optimistic turn is more likely to fend off diseases. What’s more important, an optimistic person usually recovers soon from frustrations and depressions, and makes sensible decisions more easily in a trying situation. Remember, good spiritual qualities are usually the decisive element to success. Budget your time effectively, so as to have adequate time for both work and play. Concentrate on what you are doing when at work so as to finish it efficiently. Then relax yourself to your heart’s desire. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。 Keep to the rules, and you will enjoy a good health. [文章点评] 作者围绕提纲的要点“问题和方案”展开论述,观点鲜明,论据充分。语言表达准确流畅。本篇的整体布局别具特色。本题命题重点是健康问题,作者便以健康专家的口吻,以开处方的形式,提出如何保持身体健康的建议。祈使句的准确运用,使文风简洁、干练。
