问题 综合题


材料一 在1920—1921年的转折关头,列宁及时指示“要立刻把列车引到另一条轨道上去。”

材料二 当代中国改革开放大事记

年代主 要 内 容
1979中 * * 、国务院批准广东、福建在对外经济活动中实行“特殊政策、灵活措施”并决定在深圳、珠海、厦门、汕头试办经济特区。
1980中 * * 下发《关于进一步加强和完善农业生产责任制的几个问题》,肯定了包产到户的社会主义性质。
19845月,中 * * 决定进一步开放大连、秦皇岛等14个港口城市,逐步兴办经济技术开发区。10月,中共十二届三中全会确认我国社会主义经济是公有制基础上的有计划的商品经济。




(1)含义:①由战时 * * 主义政策转变为新经济政策。②利用商品、货币关系等市场经济的手段来恢复发展经济。③允许多种经济成分并存,提倡多种形式的资本主义。(任答二点,每点2分,共4分。如答新经济政策具体内容,每条1分,最多给2分。)


(3)认识:①计划经济与市场经济都是经济调整的手段,不是社会主义和资本主义的根本区别;②各国应从国情出发充分利用市场和计划两种手段发展经济,制定或调整相应的经济政策。③ 改革是社会发展的永恒动力,要坚持不断深化改革。(言之有理皆可给分,任选两点得5分,答一点得2分)

题目分析:(1)联系题干时间1920—1921可知是苏俄由战时 * * 主义政策转变为新经济政策,可从市场、货等币比较两者含义。具体内容有:①由战时 * * 主义政策转变为新经济政策。②利用商品、货币关系等市场经济的手段来恢复发展经济。③允许多种经济成分并存,提倡多种形式的资本主义。


(3)属于开放性试题,从经济与市场联系、经济体制改革要是适合各国国情等角度回答即可。具体表述为:认识:①计划经济与市场经济都是经济调整的手段,不是社会主义和资本主义的根本区别;②各国应从国情出发充分利用市场和计划两种手段发展经济,制定或调整相应的经济政策。③ 改革是社会发展的永恒动力,要坚持不断深化改革。


I was going to bed the other night when my wife told me that I had left the light on in the shed(储藏室). She could see it from the bedroom window. As I looked for myself, I saw that there were thieves in the shed taking things. I phoned the police, but they told me that no one was in this area to help at this time, but they would send someone over as soon as they were free.

I said OK, hung up, and waited one minute, then phoned the police back, “Hello, I just called you a minute ago because there were thieves in my shed. Well, you don’t have to worry about them now because I’ve killed them all.”

Within five minutes there were six police cars in the area. Of course, they caught the thieves very quickly. One of the officers said: “I thought you said that you’d killed them!” I replied with “I thought you said there was nobody free!”

小题1:There were thieves in the___________.

A. shed                 B. bedroom               C. kitchen

小题2:The man_________ when he found the thieves.

A. caught them by himself  B. called the police at once   C. did nothing but wait

小题3:The police said that________ so they couldn’t come and help at first.

A. it was too far          B. the car was broken       C. they were all busy

小题4:The police_______ when the man called them again.

A. found it boring         B. took it serious            C. let it go

小题5:The thieves were_________ at the end of the story.

A. lost                  B. killed                  C. caught

问答题 简答题