问题 填空题

中国跳水队员被人们称为“梦之队”。图所示是跳水运动员跳水时的情景。运动员在离开跳板到落入水中的过程中,若忽略其他能量转化,则动能的变化情况是________________,重力势能的变化情况是 ____________,机械能的变化情况是____________。



                                         A. Live Music-Late Night Jazz
Enjoy American jazz from Herbie Davis!
Place: Tea Jazz Club
Price: ¥100
Time: 10:00-23:50, 12th-25th Nov.
                                              B. Picture Show
     There are 12, 000 pictures on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history!
Place: City Museum
Price:  ¥30
Time: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
                                             C. X-Men Ⅲ
An interesting movie at City Theater.
Ticket Price: ¥20
Time: 20:00-21:30
                                             D. International Picnic
     Are you tired of having the same food every day? Would you like to enjoy food from all over the world? Come to Big Restaurant on Saturdays from 11:30 to 17:00.
                                             E. China Football
Team A vs Team B
Place: City Gym
Ticket Price: ¥25
Time: 3 p.m. Nov. 12th
                                        F. The Music Shop's Summer Sale
     Sale (特卖) on every record and tape in the shop, Pop, Jazz, Disco, Folk. Sale starts on Nov. 15th
and ends on Nov. 29th.
( )1. Tina is studying the history of China. She wants to see lots of pictures about the old China. 
( )2. Mary will celebrate her birthday tomorrow. She wants to go out with her friends.
           They all enjoy American jazz music.
( )3. Roy is going to buy some CDs about pop music.                                                                      
( )4. Ted is a teacher who likes playing football. He would like to see any football games next week. 
( )5. Sam wants to eat some Chinese food, English food and Japanese food.                                                