问题 单项选择题

案例1 东原公司是一家中美合资企业,六年前以房地产开发业务起家,公司已经由初创时的几个人发展到今天的1300余人,资产也由当初的1500万元,发展到今天的5.8亿元。公司所经营的业务从单一的房地产开发拓展到以房地产业为主,集娱乐、餐饮、咨询、汽车维护、百货零售等业务为一体的多元化实业公司。随着公司的不断成长,人员开始膨胀,组织层级过多,部门数量增加,这就在组织管理上出现了阻隔。例如:总公司下设五个分公司及一个娱乐中心,而娱乐中心又下设有嬉水、餐饮、健身、保龄球、滑冰等项目。另外,总公司所属的房屋开发公司、装修公司、汽车维修公司和物业公司又都自成体系。公司管理层级过多,总公司有三级,各分公司又各有三级以上的管理层,最为突出的是娱乐中心,它的管理层竟多达七级。且各专业管理部门存在着重复设置的情况。总公司有人力资源开发部,而下属公司也相应设置人力资源开发部,职能重叠,管理混乱。事实证明,东原公司发展到今天,其管理已具有复杂性和业务多角化的特点,原有的直线职能制组织形式已不适应公司的发展了。此外,公司的财务管理也比较混乱,各个分部独立核算后,都有自己的账户,总公司可控制的资金越来越少。由于资金分散管理,容易出问题,因此总公司准备在财务管理上实行集权。但是,组织的变革意味着利益的重新分配,可能会引起管理层的震荡。因此,东原公司的领导层面临着严峻的考验。请根据案例1提供的情况,回答以下问题:(单项选择,每小题2分,共10分)

直线职能制组织形式一般适用于什么样的企业 (   )









     Sick men and women were sitting on their chairs in the doctor's waiting room. They all looked sad

except Tom. He was playing with some cards. Just then the doctor came to say he was ready for the

next one. Tom jumped up and entered the doctor's room in a hurry.

     Before Tom could say a word, the doctor made him lie down on the bed."Now let me listen to your

heart." Tom tired to speak, but the doctor told him not to say anything. "I'll take your temperature." Tom

tried to sit up, but the doctor stopped him. After a while, the doctor said, "Well, you don't have a fever

(发烧), boy. In fact, there's nothing wrong with you.""I'm quite well, doctor." Tom said."I just came here

to get some medicine for my grandma."

1. In the doctor's waiting room Tom _______.

A. looked sad

B. was playing with some cards

C. was talking with others

D. was very happy

2. Before the doctor listened to Tom's heart, he _______.

A. asked Tom how old he was

B. asked Tom to sit down

C. made Tom lie down on the bed

D. talked with Tom for a few minutes.

3. The doctor thought _______.

A. Tom had a fever

B. there's something wrong with Tom

C. there's something wrong with Tom's heart

D. nothing is wrong with Tom

4. Tom came to the doctor's room because he _______.

A. was ill

B. wanted to see the doctor

C. wanted to get some medicine for his grandma

D. had a fever

5. Which is right?

A. Tom played with some cards in the doctor's room.

B. The doctor told Tom to enter his room quickly.

C. The doctor looked over Tom's grandma.

D. Tom's grandma needed some medicine.
