问题 论述题

2012年4月16日出版的第8期《求是》杂志发表了温 * * * * 的重要文章:《让权力在阳光下运行》。文章指出,一个政府要让人民满意,必须做到为民、务实、清廉。各部门、各级政府的主要领导要切实负起责任,做到有部署、有督查、有落实。领导班子成员要认真履行职责,要强化问责,对于工作不力、发生重大案件和对腐败案件查处不及时的部门、地方,要按有关规定严格追究责任。










When you think of Beijing, the beautiful green waters and hills of Beihai Park and the grand and beautiful Forbidden City will come to your mind.

In recent years, groups of modern buildings and specially designed plazas have appeared on Beijing’s streets. Standing in the street, you can feel how Beijing has changed. But foreigners still like to go to the hutongs.

The word hutong comes from the Mongolian language. Hutongs come to Beijing more than 700 years ago. As time passed, the hutongs have remained, and have become an important part of the essence of Beijing.

Many foreigners, when they come to Beijing from their far countries, will go directly to visit the hutongs after setting down. They sit in the courtyards, chatting with the native Beijingers about neighbors and their life. It seems that through their chatting, they can find the true meaning of Chinese family life.

Waving good-bye, they have to leave the hutongs, and say goodbye to the families with whom they have chatted happily. But they don’t feel like leaving. The hutongs have brought great enjoyment to them.

Although every country has it own special cultural background, economic situation and level and feelings are similar. The hutong is a cultural symbol of this city. And the families of the hutongs are also unforgettable.

小题1:What do we often think of when we talk about Beijing?

小题2:Where do the foreigners still like to go although Beijing has changed a lot?

小题3:What do we know from the third paragraph ?


小题5: The best title for the passage can be_______.

A.How the word hutong comes from

B.Every country has it own special cultural background

C.The foreigners like to go to hutongs directly

D.Hutong and family
