In theory, Ecuador could be a major exporter of shrimp. In actuality, it is not. The explanation is that 80 percent of the country’s rich estuaries are owned by the government. This hurts Ecuador’s shrimp production, because the government does not have the flexibility necessary for efficient shrimp farming that private industry possesses. The answer to which of the following questions would be most relevant to evaluating the adequacy of the explanation given above ?()
A. Who owns the 20 percent of estuaries that are not owned by the government
B. What percentage of Ecuador’s production of shrimp is consumed domestically
C. Has the government stated any plans to sell any of its estuaries to private industry, provided that the price is sufficient
D. Is Peru, Ecuador’s neighbor to the south, actually better suited for commercial shrimp farming than Ecuador, which is a substantially smaller country
E. How does Ecuador’s shrimp production on government-owned estuaries compare to that on comparable land owned by private industry