问题 翻译题
1. 把生菜放到面包上    
2. 两片鸡肉            
3. -茶勺佐料          
4. 检查作业            
5. 火鸡三明治的食谱    
6. 把另一片面包放到顶上

1.  put the lettuce on the bread

2.  two slices of chicken

3.  a teaspoon of relish

4.  check one's homework

5.  a recipe for a turkey sandwich

6.  put another slice of bread on the top



     Children's schooling is changing very fast. In the past, teachers kept children sitting still for hours. They

made them memorize (记住) different kinds of things. In other words, the children had to go on repeating

things until they knew them "by heart". Today, many want to know if it's possible to make children learn all.

They say they can only help them learn. They say they must let children learn and find out things themselves.

      But for some children, school is a kind of prison (监狱). They are there only because their parents make

them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets them leave. Many of them want to find

work, but the law will not let them work until they reach a certain age. And so, they have to stay in school.

Often they do not learn anything at all and hate school every moment.

1. The word "schooling" in the passage means _____.

A. 学费

B. 教育

C. 锻炼

D. 训练

2. Which of the following has the same meaning to "go on repeating"?

A. read and write

B. read or write once

C. read or write twice

D. read or write again and again

3. Now, the teachers try their best to _____.

A. make their students learn more in class

B. teach their students how to learn themselves

C. make their students do everything they say

D. ask their students to do more exercises after class

4. Some children hate schools because _____.

A. they hope to spend much time reading

B. their teachers aren't friendly to them

C. they regard them as prisons

D. they are angry with their classmates

5. _____, so they want to stop to find work.

A. Some children need some money

B. Some children dislike staying in school

C. Some children fall behind their classmates

D. Some children come from poor families



材料一 据1975年出版的《自然科学大事年表》记载,明代以前,世界上重要的创造发明和重大的科学成就大约300项,其中中国大约175项,占总数的57%以上,其他各国占42%左右。英国著名科技史家李约瑟博士研究后指出,中国的发明和发现,远远超过同时代的欧洲。


材料二 火药、指南针、印刷术——这是预告资产阶级社会到来的三大发明。火药把骑士阶层炸得粉碎,指南针打开了世界市场并建立了殖民地,而印刷术则变成新教的工具,总的来说变成的手段,变成对精神发展创造必要前提的最强大的杠杆。——马克思《机器、自然力和科学的应用》

材料三 1821年英人伯顿出了一本奇书《忧郁症的解剖》,选举中国人……有组织良好、效率很高的政府,有完善的选拔举用人才的文官制度。他说:中国人“从哲学家和博士中挑选官员,他们政治上的显贵是从德行上的显贵中提拔上来的,”“他们……不论在战时或平时,就是保卫和治理他们的国家;而不像(英国)许多人那样,只知道放鹰打猎,吃喝玩耍)”





