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分析下列材料并回答问题 材料l 据国外学者研究:一国吸引外国直接投资与对外直接投资的平均比例,发达国家为l:1.4,发展中国家为l:0.13.按此比例测算,我国对外直接投资应有400亿美元以上,而实际却与之相差甚远.2002年中国是吸引外国直接投资最多的国家,而中国所有海外投资只占全球外国投资总额的不足0.3%.全世界每年国际工程承包的总金额在l万亿美元左右,我国只拿到l%多一点. 材料2 中国海外投资增长情况:1991年:7.6亿美元;1994年:55.24亿美元;1999年:69.5亿美元;2002年:132亿美元 材料3 近年来,跨国公司国际生产一体化迅速发展并呈现出一些新特征:从全球生产价值链的角度合理配置资源.在竞争压力的影响下,跨国公司比任何时候都面临重要的选择,是内部化还是外部化,专业化还是多元化国际生产体系发展趋势之一是走专业化道路,集中资源加强核心竞争能力.在生产价值链的技术开发,产品制造和市场营销三大环节中,跨国公司更多的是抓两头,即紧紧抓住技术创新,技术标准制定和推广,新产品的开发和升级.同时,控制产品销售渠道,在品牌管理,市场营销甚至售后服务几个环节上不惜重金.而将原来一些由企业内部生产和经营的业务,以外包的形式从外部供应商处购买,使得根据供货合同,为客户提供商品和服务的合同制造商在国际生产体系中的作用凸显. 上述材料摘自《国际先驱导报》2003年9月26日 材料4 近年来,区域经济一体化趋势不断加强.而区域一体化,意味着对该区域非成员国的歧视.如果仍然依赖贸易,就会受贸易转移的影响,如果进人区域内投资,就可以受益于区域内部贸易的优惠条件.再者,进入到区域内投资,不仅可以享受优惠政策,也可以享受区域外对区域内投资的许多好处.此外,发达国家与一些发展中国有签订了援助协议,制定了很多贸易,投资方面的优惠政策.例如美国和非洲一些国家有协议,产品零关税.这种情况下,中国的台湾和香港,斯里兰卡,都到非洲这些国家去投资.中国大陆似乎还没有意识到这个机会.此外,欧盟和加勒比海,太平洋地区也签订了类似协议.这些协定给发展中国家提供了优惠,如果不利用,在产品竞争中就会处于劣势. 摘自《中华工商时报》2003年11月13日 请回答:





多项选择题 案例分析题



A. Birth of a Nation  Birth of a Nation was the most popular film of the silent era. The message in the film was that African Americans could never be integrated into the white society as equals. Race violence directed against African Americans took place in many cities. In the South, African Americans were only allowed to go to separate schools, hotels, and restaurants.

B. Gone with the Wind  Gone with the Wind was the costliest and most popular film of Hollywood’s Golden Era. Producer David Selznick had promised that the film would be free of any anti-Negro ideas. Although it did not use white actors in blackface, like Birth of a Nation, its picture of enslaved African Americans as loyal but scatter-brained house servants and clumsy field hands was what the white thought the black ought to be then.

C. Glory  Glory offers a powerful retelling of the story of the first black regiment (团) during the American Civil War. Half the regiment’s men were killed or wounded in the war, but it dramatically demonstrated the courage of African American troops in battle. However, the film failed to describe the larger historical context of the Civil War.

D. Amistad  The Steven Spielberg film is about a historical event. In 1839, a group of Africans were captured and shipped to the Spanish colony of Cuba. During trans-shipment to nearby sugar plantations, 53 slaves overpowered the crew. The captives then ordered the two men who had purchased them to navigate the ship toward Africa. At night, however, the men sailed the ship northward and westward. The case ultimately went to the Supreme Court. In 1841, the Court freed the captives.

E. Beloved  The film is based on Margaret Garner’s story of killing her own two-year-old daughter Mary. Margaret Garner said that she had intended to kill her other children rather than see them returned to slavery. She later explained that she wanted to “end their sufferings” rather than see them returned to bondage and “murdered by piecemeal”. No other work has so powerfully examined the interior life of a former slave.

F. Schindler’s List  The film concerns the lives of a thousand Jews during World War II. The film shows, unforgettably, how one man does make a difference. Schindler proves that man’s morality and humanity are always alive. “Save one life, save the world entire.” The heavy tone and fearful atmosphere of the film are heightened by black-and-white cinematography.


小题1:Inner Hurt

小题2:International Slave Trade

小题3:Civil Rights

小题4:Blacks with Low Abilities

小题5:Brave Blacks