Management information systems form a bedrock ofIT use in the public sector. They are therefore found in all sections ofthe public sector and in all countries..Of course, different people use the term "management information system" differently: The term should therefore not form the basis for arguments about () an MIS is and is not. So long as one and those with whom one works understand and agree on a definition, that is good enough.Similarly, when dealing with written material, one needs to be able to()and communicate, not get locked into doctrinal debate,
Many public service providers have developed management information systems to morutor and control the services that they provide. Both the US () UK Social Security agencies have developed MIS to report on the welfare payments and services that they provide . The British public healthcare system has also been a major investor in MIS as it 1ries to control healthcare costs and simultaneously improve delivery standards .
Individual schools can also()use ofMIS. Hobmoor Junior and Infant School, a public school in Birmingham, UK, introduced a computerised attendance system to produce MIS reports that monitor pupil attendance. This improved the Principal’s ability to understand and control absence patterns, resulting in a 2.5 per cent () in attendance rates.
when dealing with written material, one needs to be able to()and communicate, not get locked into doctrinal debate,Many public service providers have developed management information systems to morutor and control the services that they provide.
管理信息系统是在公共部门内使用盯的根基,这个系统在所有国家和所有公共部门的机构都能被找到。当然,不同人群使用“管理信息系统”这个名称有所差异。因此,这个名称不应该成为讨论管理信息系统是什么与不是什么的基础。只要共事的个体(或机构)对某个定义理解并达成一致意见,这就足够了。类似的,当处理书面材料的时候,个体(或机构)也需要理解和交流,而不是局限于教义上的讨论。 许多公共服务提供机构为了监视和控制它们所提供的服务,已经开发了管理信息系统。美国和英国社会安全局已经开发了管理信息系统,以此来报告它们所提供的社会福利支出和服务。英国公共健康保障系统也已经成为主要的管理信息系统投资者,努力控制健康保障的成本,以此同时提高分配水平。 学校也使用管理信息系统。英国伯明翰的一个公立学校(Hobmoor Junior and Infant School)引进了计算化的出勤率系统,这个系统生成监督学校出勤率的管理信息系统报告。这改善了教务/校长理解和控制出勤情况的能力,因此出勤率提高了2.5%。