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1895年,中国在中日甲午战争中战败,陷入了深刻的国家危机,世界列强威胁要瓜分中国。那些忧患国家命运的知识分子要求改革,不仅工业和军事方面要改,政治体制也得改。康有为、梁启超和谭嗣同便是维新派的代表人物。 康有为会同一千三百多名举人联名上书光绪皇帝,要求维新变法。康有为主张以君主立宪制代替封建专制。康有为的学生梁启超协助撰写文章,宣传变法思想。相比之下,谭嗣同更为激进,撰写了《仁学》一书批驳传统思想。 维新派不断发表演说,出版论著,在报上撰文,阐明变法的必要性。中国的危急形势在一定程度上帮助了他们,当时的形势表明中国除了变法之外别无出路。但是,顽固派,在国内,尤其是在统治阶级中的势力仍然十分强大。他们极力反对变法,认为要变的是人,不是法,因为所有的错误都来自于人们的错误想法。 1898年,康有为再次上书光绪皇帝。他谏言只有维新变法才能救国,不变法国家就要灭亡。这一次,光绪皇帝被说动了,赞同了康有为的观点和建议。1898年6月,他让康有为和其他一些变法派在政府中担任要职,并授权他们进行改革。 他们采取的主要是一些经济和教育改良措施,诸如鼓励工商业,设立学校,改革科举制度,裁撤一些不必要的政府机构。但是真正执掌大权的是以慈禧太后为首的顽固派,他们非常憎恨这些举措,强烈反对。在军队的协助下,慈禧于9月发动 * * 。将光绪皇帝软禁,并且杀害了谭嗣同等六位维新志士。康有为和梁启超侥幸逃脱。百日维新就这样宣告结束。 变法的失败给进步人士这样一个教训:要在清廷的统治下改革政治体制是不可能的。不久以后,以孙中山为首的具有更为激进思想的人们开始策划武装起义推翻清王朝。历经失败之后,终于在1911年取得了胜利。



解析:In 1895, after defeated in the war of 1894, China was in a deep national crisis, for the big powers threatened to partition China. Scholars who were worded about the fate of the country called for reform, not only in industry and military affairs, but also in the political system. Outstanding among these people were Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong. Kang and over 1,300 other scholars submitted a memorial to Emperor Guangxu, suggesting political reform. Kang was for the substitution of constitutional monarchy for feudal autocracy. Liang, once a student of Kang, helped Kang by writing articles propagating reformist ideas. Tan was more radical than the others. He wrote On Benevolence criticizing traditional ideas. The reformists frequently made speeches, published books and wrote articles in newspapers to explain the necessity of reform. They were in a way helped by the critical situation of the country, which showed that China had no way out except reform. But conservatives, or diehards, were still a strong force, especially in the ruling class. They were against all changes and contended what was necessary was to change men, not law, for all faults came from men’s wrong thinking. In 1898 Kang Youwei submitted to the emperor another memorial, in which he warned that only political changes could save the country, and that the country would perish without major, changes. This time Emperor Guangxu was persuaded and agreed to Kang’s views and suggestions. In June 1898 he gave Kang and a few other reformists important positions in the government and empowered them to carry out reform. They took mainly economic and educational measures, such as the encouragement of industry and commerce, the establishment of schools, the reform of the civil service examination system, and the abolition of some unnecessary government organs. But the conservative force led by Empress Dowager Cixi, who had real power, bitterly hated and strongly opposed these measures. With the help of some military men, Cixi counter-attacked in September. She put Emperor Guangxu under house arrest, and killed Tan Sitong and five other reformists. Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao narrowly, escaped. The hundred-day reform was thus brought to an end. The failure of the reformists taught the progressive people a lesson: it would be impossible to change the political system under Qing role. Shortly afterwards, people with more radical ideas led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen began preparing for armed uprisings to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. After a series of failures, they finally succeeded in 1911.

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