问题 改错题
      Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters. A snowstorm hitted      
Beijing on Saturday, 28th December. The storm got bad in the afternoon.
Tom was on a farm and Uncle Li told him  go home late. Li Ming       
asked him to go to his house because Tom forgot to take his keys. So   
Tom walked to the bus stop on his umbrella with Li Ming. The weather     
was really terrible. They could only listen the wind. Snowstorm                        
continued to fall around them. Sudden they lost their umbrellas in the   
wind and Tom nearly fell over. They could do nothing and walk slowly    
in the storm. When they arrived in the bus stop, they could see many  
people. They was really worried as there would be no bus soon.        
1. _________    
2. _________   
3. _________   
4. _________   
5. _________   
6. _________                   
7. _________   
8. _________   
9. _________   
10. ________  

1. hitted→hit   2. bad→worse   3. go→to go   4. take→bring   5. on→in

6. listen→hear  7. Sudden→Suddenly   8. and→but    9. in→at   10.was→were



材料一 清朝初年,沿袭满洲贵族议事的旧制,设议政王大臣会议,决定军国大事。康熙初年,四大臣辅政,满洲、蒙古都统俱为议政大臣。六部满人尚书也参与会议。议政王大臣会议较前扩大。康熙帝亲政后,加强皇权,会议权限逐渐削弱。民政事务由内阁大学士或六部会议具奏。议政王大臣只议国家典章制度及军事要务。……雍正帝削弱八旗王公权势,议政王大臣会议又被进一步削弱。 ——范文澜、蔡美彪《中国通史》

材料二 2009年11月18日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世在英国议会上院发表演讲

材料三 英国政府将在未来数周公布一份改革方案,以一个完全经选举产生、拥有300多个席位的美国式“参议院”取代议会上院,终结这一有数百年历史的贵族院。英国司法大臣杰克·斯特劳在2010年3月13日和14日向内阁成员征求意见后,将于数周内公布议会上院改革方案。——《北京日报》









