问题 翻译题


1. 有一句谚语:“不劳而无获。”

    There _____ _____ _____ "No pains, no gains."

2. (在西方)人们只有在吃中国食物的时候才会用到筷子。

    Chopsticks _____ _____ _____ when people eat Chinese food.

3. 有一些食物是可以用手拿着吃的。

    There is some food which _____ _____ _____ _____ your fingers.

4. 没人会生气的。

    No one will _____ _____. 

5. 一般来说,(在西方)食物准备得要比中国的少。

    Generally, fewer dishes _____ _____ _____ in China.

6. 美国人希望客人在饭后能留下来聊天。

    Americans_____  guests _____ _____ and _____ after the dinner.

7. 如果给了你太多的食物,你可以说:“不用了,谢谢。太美味可口了,但是我已经吃得够


    If you _____ _____ too much food, you can say, "No, thanks, it was _____, but I have _____ _____ 

8. 西方人吃饭时,左手拿着叉子,右手拿着刀子。

    When western people eat, the forks are _____ _____ their left hands and the knives _____ their right.

9. 喝汤时需要用勺子。

    Soup _____ _____ with a spoon.

10. 与西方人一起吃饭前我们最好先了解一些西方的饮食习惯。

    We'd better learn something about western eating customs before _____ _____ with the Westerners.


l. is a saying 2. are only used  3. can be eaten with  4. be (cross)angry  5. are prepared than

6. expect; to stay; talk 7. are offered; delicious; had enough 8. held in; in 9. is drunk l0. eating together
