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     Amiya Olden could have been a poster child for a reading crisis that affects nearly 2 million Michigan

residents older than 16: They read below a sixth-grade level, which makes it difficult to find jobs and to

improve their lives. Among them, Amiya is one.

     Amiya Olden remembers well the day she graduated from Denby High school. She handed her diploma

to her mother, who read it to her. "Then when someone asked me to read it, I could remember the things

she read, and I knew what I had to say," recalled Amiya Olden, "When we would go out to restaurants

with my aunts, and that's when I really would get upset. I would see words on the menu but I couldn't


     But don't feel sorry for her. She changed her life by reaching a point where she'd read enough. Two

summers ago, she took charge of her life when she walked into Pro Literacy Detroit to improve her reading.

Nineteen months ago, she was reading at a second-grade level; now at a fifth-grade level.

     Olden now splits her days between her classes at Pro Literacy and the library, where she checks out

books and reads them. She says she hopes her improved reading skills will help her find a good job.

     And she has advice for others, who have trouble reading.

     "Don't give up on it," she said. "Even though it can be challenging and you might get frustrated

sometimes, practice does help. If you really want to be able to go somewhere, go out to a restaurant and

you have to read signs and things like that, you want to know what you want to eat and where you want

to go... If you want to succeed in life and grow, you have to read. More important, you have to feel

confident that you can."

1. Amiya's mother read the diploma to her so that _____. [ ]

A. she could encourage her daughter to improve her reading 

B. her daughter could remember the content of the diploma

C. they both could remember the particular moment

D. she could show off before her daughter

2. Amiya attends Pro Literacy Detroit to _____. [ ]

A. get another diploma

B. improve her reading level

C. find a good job in the training center

D. be a poster child for the reading crisis

3. From the passage we can see in Michigan _____. [ ]

A. many people can't find good jobs due to poor reading

B. the job market pays too much attention to reading

C. most students can't graduate from high school

D. the reading crisis affects only poor people

4. Which of the following is true of Amiya? [ ]

A. She is 16 years old now.

B. A good job has been offered to her.

C. She is an adviser for those with reading difficulty.

D. Most of her time is divided between her classes and the library.

5. With the study at Pro Literacy, Amiya is now _____. [ ]

A. puzzled

B. discouraged

C. confident

D. learned


1-5: BBADC



材料一 自从1840年鸦片战争失败那时起,先进的中国人经过千辛万苦,向西方国家寻求真理。洪秀全、康有为、严复和孙中山,代表了在中 * * 党出世以前向西方寻找真理的一派人物。那时,求进步的中国人,只要是西方的新道理,什么书也看。向日本、英国、美国、法国、德国派遣的留学生之多,达到惊人的程度,国内废科举、兴学校,好像雨后春笋……。那时的外国只有西方资本主义国家是进步的,他们成功地建立了资产阶级的国家。日本人向西方学习有成效,中国人也想向日本人学。在那时的中国人看来,俄国是落后的,很少有人想学俄国。这就是19世纪40年代至20世纪20年代初期中国人学习外国的情况。  

——摘自毛 * * 《论人民民主专政》

材料二 在救亡图存运动中,一些先进的中国人曾经把目光转向西方寻求救国救民的道路,在中国发动资产阶级民主革命。1911年中国民主革命的先行者孙中山领导的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国两千多年的君主专制制度。但是,辛亥革命后试图模仿西方民主制度模式建立的资产阶级共和国,包括议会制、多党制等,并没有实现中国人民要求独立、民主的迫切愿望,很快就在中外各种反动势力的冲击下归于失败。时人悲愤地感叹道:“无量头颅无量血,可怜购得假共和”。中国人民仍然处于被压迫、被奴役、被剥削的悲惨境地。中国的出路在哪里?中国人民在黑暗中思考着、摸索着、奋斗着。


材料三 中共七届二中全会指出:从1927年中国大革命失败到现在,由于敌我力量的悬殊,中国人民革命斗争的重点在乡村,在乡村聚集力量,从乡村包围城市,然后夺取城市。党在毛 * * 同志领导下,团结了广大的劳动人民,执行了这个用乡村包围城市的方针,历史已经证明这个方针是完全必要,完全正确并且是成功的。

中共七届二中全会指出:无产阶级领导的以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政,要求中 * * 党认真地团结全体工人阶级,全体农民阶级和广大的革命知识分子,作为这个专政的领导力量和基础力量;同时,也要求中 * * 党团结尽可能多的能够与 * * 党合作的小资产阶级和自由资产阶级的代表人物,它们的知识分子和政治派别,以便共同打倒国内的反革命势力和帝国主义势力,迅速地恢复和发展生产,从而创造条件使中国有可能稳步地由农业国转变为工业国。





(3)参考材料三总结中 * * 党领导中国革命胜利的基本经验。(6分 任答三点即可)


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