问题 单项选择题

Passage Two

The value of heat for the preservation of food has been known for thousands of years, but it was not realized until the nineteenth century that a very mild heat treatment far below the boiling point, made liquid foods such as milk keep much longer. The discovery followed the work of the French scientist Louis Pasteur on wine and beer.

The process, called after him "pasteurization", is a carefully controlled mild heat treatment. It was found that the process served two purposes, it prevented the souring of milk, and it destroyed the dangerous disease germs which sometimes occur in this product.

It has long been known to bacteria experts that the tubercle bacillus is the germ in milk which host ply resists heat treatment. To destroy this organism it is necessary to heat milk to about 60 degrees centigrade for 15 minutes, and its destruction has always been taken as a way of testing the efficiency of pasteurization. A heat treatment of this kind destroys about 99 percent of the common bacteria in milk, including nearly all those which cause milk to turn sour.

To ensure the certain destruction of tuberculosis and other disease germs in milk, it must be held at a fixed temperature for a fixed time. In Britain, for example, these conditions were defined-coy law in 1923 as 63-66 degrees centigrade for 30 minutes. This became known as the "holder" process, since the raw milk had to be pumped into a large tank, heated to just over 63 degrees centigrade, held in the tank for half an hour and then pumped out and cooled. This was a slow process and required a very large plant, so scientists worked for many years to produce a simpler, more convenient method, with less large equipment.

The latest method, officially approved in Britain in 1949, is known as the high-temperature-short-time, or H. T. S. T. method. It has now almost entirely replaced the "holder" process. In the H. T. S. T. system, the milk flows continuously through many sections of thin stainless steel pipes, During the process, the milk is held at 72 degrees centigrade for at least 15 seconds then, as it-cools, the heat is used, in part, to raise the temperature of the incoming milk in a device called a "wheat exchanger".

Efficient pasteurization may reduce the bacteria in raw milk from, say, one million to only a few thousand per cubic centimeter. The bacteria left are chemically mostly of the inert type, thatis, they either do not.

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage ?()

A.Pasteurization process is named after a French scientist.

B.Tubercle bacillus accounts for the largest number among all germs in milk.

C.Heating temperature may vary according to different processing methods.

D.Neither of the pasteurization methods mentioned in the passage can 100% reduce bacteria in raw milk.




本题考察文章细节。第一段介绍,巴氏杀菌法是根据French scientist Louis Pasteur命名的。各种杀菌法对温度的要求从60,63到72 degrees各不相同。杀菌效率可达到 99 percent或one million to only a few thousand per cubic centimeter,但都不能达到100%。对于tubercle bacillus是不是牛奶中数量最多的细菌,文章并未介绍。



材料一 一日,王教授应邀到甲机关举办一场关于职业道德与行为规范关系的专题讲座。会场里时常响起手机声,会议主持人不断地用手势提醒大家关闭手机,甚至打断学者讲座,让大 * * 持会场秩序。次日,王教授到乙机关举办同样的讲座,会场秩序井然,听讲座的每个人都自觉地关闭手机。王教授经过询问了解到,乙单位专门制定过一个规定,凡是参加机关会议的人,如果没关闭手机,手机在会场响起,则扣发当月奖金。而甲机关从来没有这样的规定。
材料二 某机关明文规定,因公出差到外地的,按照食宿补贴标准补贴。凡是食宿费用支出低于规定标准的,节约部分的50%归出差人所有。规定出台后,该机关的差旅补贴数额与规定出台之前相比明显下降。
材料三 某局长因犯贪污受贿罪,被判有期徒刑15年。在狱中,他忏悔道:“我不是法盲,也不是缺乏中 * * 优秀道德传统的熏陶。我大学时本科学的专业是历史,硕士研究生读的是法律。但我却知法犯法,走向沉沦。究其原因,个人主义、享乐主义、拜金主义等腐朽没落的思想充斥了我的思想的每一个角落,使我在职业生涯中出现了一系列的道德失范和道德滑坡行为……”

某局长的狱中忏悔,说明( )。




