1. We always travel by public t____.
2. He gave the taxi f____ to the driver before he got off.
3. When you go on a journey, you'd better keep a travel j____.
4. Father is thankful to me for p____ him to give up smoking.
5. We are flying at an a____ of 20,000 feet.
6. Some people have a wrong a____ towards the disabled.
7. Does environment d____ one's character?
8. Let's remember the b____ actions of the heroes.
9. He is so s____ that no one can persuade him to do anything.
10. Where does the Mekong River have its s____?
该企业的网络采用核心层、接入层的两层架构方式。根据层次化网络设计的原则,MAC层过滤和IP地址绑定等功能主要应在由 (6) (请罗列出图9-7中相关交换机的名称)组成的 (7) 层完成。 针对图9-7中的网络拓扑结构,各台交换机需要运行 (8) 协议,以建立一个无环路的树状结构网络。当图9-7中交换机1~交换机3之间的某条链路有故障(或失效)时,为了使阻塞端口直接进入转发状态,从而切换到备份链路上,则需要在图9-7中交换机1~交换机3、交换机5~交换机8上使用 (9) 功能。