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     Frequently Asked Questions

     What is TEENSGIVING?

     TEENSGIVING is an exciting event where hundreds of New York City teens gather together

annually for a remarkable day of community service. This year, TEENSGIVING in SRING 2010

participants will once again better New York City and impact thousands of lives!

     When is TEENSGIVING in SPRING2010?

     SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2010

     Where is TEENSGIVING?                

     All over New York City. Everyone will meet at the 92nd Street Y (92nd and Lexington) at 9:00

AM for the event kick-off. Then, all TEENSGIVING volunteers will disperse across the city to work

with our partnering agencies where they will make a HUGE difference and have fun!

     Who participates in TEENSGIVING?

     Hundreds of teenagers from around the city. Teens come from the 92nd Street Y, various city

schools, youth groups, and organizations in the area. In addition, many adult volunteers (aged 21 and

older) will donate their time to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.

     What projects do participants do at the agencies?

     Sample projects include painting park benches, planting gardens, visiting and playing with

underprivileged children, assembling craft kits for children in hospitals, assisting at animal shelters,

working at soup kitchens, delivering meals and celebrating with families at homeless shelters.  

     Do I get anything for participating in TEENSGIVING?

     Yes! Everybody benefits! Teen volunteers will receive *6 hours* of community service credit, good

towards honor society, high school graduation and college application requirements. Adult volunteers

will be "thanked" with a light breakfast, a gift certificate for their troubles, and the satisfaction of helping

our city's youth contribute to their community. In addition, all teen and adult volunteers will receive a

cool TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 T-shirt.

     This sounds awesome! How do I register for TEENSGIVING in SPRING2010? Interested teens

and/or adults should e-mail the TEENSGIVING Coordinator Josh Hyman at jhyman@92Y.org

(subjet:TEENSGIVING) to receive more information and to register for this fantastic event!

     **Teens can also contact their school's Community Service Advisor**

     TEENSGIVING is sponsored by the 92nd Street Y.

1. TEENSGIVING is an event which is held ______.

A. from time to time            

B. once every year

C. every two years              

D. twice a year

2. Teenagers may do all the following in the event EXCEPT ______.

A. watering flowers          

B. cooking

C. cleaning streets            

D. taking care of animals

3. An adult volunteer may get _____ for his time devoted to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.

A. community service credit and a T-shirt

B. a high school certificate and a light breakfast

C. a T-shirt and a gift certificate

D. a gift certificate and community service credit

4. The writer's purpose in writing this passage is to _______.

A. inform readers of some frequently asked questions

B. introduce TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 to readers

C. encourage readers to ask more questions about TEENSGIVING

D. call on readers to participate in TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010


1-4: BCCB


案例1 拓源公司是一家成立于1985年的计算机和设备公司,由于其性能卓越而又款式新颖的产品、富有想象力的销售方法和给公司客户提供的优质服务,已经发展为国内该经营领域的前列企业。销售额逐年上升,利润率也比较高。1996年该公司股票上市。上市之后股票价格就节节上升。为此该公司已经获得了投资者的青睐。然而公司总裁不久发现,一向运行良好的组织结构,现在已经不能适应该公司的需要。多年来,公司是按照职能系列组织起来的,由几位副总裁分管财务、销售、生产、人事、采购、工程以及研发。随着公司的发展,公司已把其产品系列扩大,从商用计算机扩展到电动打字机、复印机、电影摄影机和放映机、机床计算机控制设备等。随着时间的推移,人们注意到企业中存在以下不良情况:该公司的组织结构使总裁办公室以下的人员和机构无法对公司的利润负责,无法适应目前在外国许多国家进行的广泛的业务,而且还加重了销售、生产和工程各职能部门之间的壁垒,使它们难以进行有效协调。此外,有许多决策似乎除了总裁办公室之外,其他任何低于这一级的都不能做出。因此,1997年,总裁将公司分为15个在美国和海外的各自独立经营的分公司,每个分公司对利润负有全部的责任。然而在实行公司重组和人事职能方面出现了大量的重复,各分公司经理无视总公司的方针和策略,各自经营自己的业务,在总裁面前逐步显示出,公司正在瓦解成一些独立部门。在此情况下,总裁意识到自己在分权的道路上走得太远了。于是,他撤回了分公司经理的某些职权,并要求他们就下述一些重要事项决策应征得公司最高管理部门的批准。包括:超过l0万元的资本支出、新产品开发和推广、销售和价格策略以及人事政策改变等。当分公司经理看到他们的这些自主权被收回时,非常生气,并且公开抱怨公司的方针摇摆不定,一会儿分权,一会儿集权。总裁对于自己处于这种情况感到忧虑。请根据案例1提供的情况,回答以下问题:

现在最关键的是树立总经理的权威,考虑到各分公司经理的不满情绪和他们可能违规的情况,应该预先制定好严格的规章制度,防止他们不服从总裁。在设立15个独立的分公司时,你认为他犯的最大的错误是什么 ()




