Which of the following statements is true about Sara().
A.She rarely makes mistakes.
B.She makes known what she thinks.
C.She has many original ideas.
D.She doesn’t like to express her opinions.
[听力原文] You know Sara. If She has an opinion, everyone has got to know it.
[分析]: 是非判断。 根据原文“You know Sara.If she has an opinion,everyone has got to know it”,译文为:你知道萨拉的,一旦她有了个主意,所有人就都会知道的。a选项为“她很少犯错误。”,b选项为“她让别人知道她的想法。”,c选项为“她有很多新点子。”,d选项为“她不喜欢表达自己的观点。”。所以选b。