手指屈肌腱腱鞘炎又称( )或( );拇长屈肌腱鞘炎又称( )。桡骨茎突狭窄性腿鞘炎是指( )肌腱和( )肌腱发生的腱鞘炎。
参考答案:扳机指 弹响指 弹响拇 拇长展 拇短伸
1. The sisters d_____ widely in their tastes.
2. This question is quite simple,while that one is much more c_____ .
3. The chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is m_____ a dream.
4. There were 16 votes in f _____ of my suggestion ,and 15 against.
5. Everybody must obey traffic r____for security reasons.
6. In a film,a scientist cloned several different kinds of____ (恐龙).
7. It's a major____ (突破)in cancer research.
8. The price of the works of art is very____ (公道的).
9. The government is____ (辩论)about the educational laws.
10. They got down to____ (积累)a huge mass of data.