问题 单项选择题

唐临,京兆长安人,周内史瑾孙也。其先自北海徙关中。伯父令则,开皇末为左庶子,坐谄事太子勇诛死。临少与兄皎俱有令名。……出为万泉丞。县有轻囚十数人,会春暮时雨,临白令请出之,令不许。临曰:"明公若有所疑,临请自当其罪。"令因请假,临召囚悉令归家耕种,与之约,令归系所。囚等皆感恩贷,至时毕集诣狱,临因是知名。   再迁侍御史,奉使岭外,按交州刺史李道彦等申叩冤系三千余人。累转黄门侍郎,加银青光禄大夫。俭薄寡欲,不治第宅,服用简素,宽于待物。尝欲吊丧,令家僮自归家取白衫,家僮误将余衣,惧未敢进。临察知之,使召谓曰:"今日气逆,不宜哀泣,向取白衫,且止之也。"又尝令人煮药,失制。潜知其故,谓曰:"阴暗不宜服药,宜即弃之。"竟不扬言其过,其宽恕如此。   高宗即位,检校吏部侍郎。其年,迁大理卿。高宗尝问临在狱系囚之数,临对诏称旨。帝喜曰:"朕昔在东宫,卿已事朕,朕承大位,卿又居近职,以畴昔相委,故授卿此任。然为国之要,在于刑法,法急则人残,法宽则失罪,务令折中,称朕意焉。"高宗又尝亲录死囚,前卿所断者号叫称冤,临所入者独无言。帝怪问状,囚曰:"罪实自犯,唐卿所断,既非冤滥,所以绝意耳。"帝叹息良久曰:"为狱者不当如此耶!"   永徽元年,为御史大夫。明年,……寻迁刑部尚书,加金紫光禄大夫,复历兵部、度支、吏部三尚书。显庆四年,坐事贬为潮州刺史,卒官,年六十。   (节选自《旧唐书唐临传》)









[解析] 第一个"且"意为"暂且";第二个"且"为"将要"。


William Henry Bragg was born at Westward,Cumberland,on July 2,1862.He was educated at Market Harboroagh Grammar School and afterwards at King William’s College,Isle of Man.Elected as a minor scholar of Trinity College,Cambridge,in 1881,he studied mathematics under the well­known teacher,Dr E.J.Routh.He studied physics in the Cavendish Laboratory during a part of 1885,and at the end of that year he was elected to the Professorship of Mathematics and Physics in the University of Adelaide,South Australia.

His research interests dealt with a great many fields and he was skilled at picking up a subject,almost casually,making an important contribution,and then dropping it again.However,the work of Bragg and his son Lawrence in 1913~1914 founded a new branch of science of the greatest importance and significance,the analysis of the crystal structure by means of X­rays.It is true that the use of X­rays as an instrument for the systematic revelation of the way in which crystals are built was entirely due to the Braggs.This was recognized by the award of the Nobel Prize jointly to father and son in 1915.

He was an honorary Doctor of some sixteen universities,and a member of the leading foreign societies.Many other medals and awards were bestowed upon him among which may be mentioned the Rumford Medal in 1916 and the Copley Medal (its premier award) in 1930.

He was the author of many books,including Studies in Radioactivity,X­Rays and Crystal Structure,The World of Sound,Concerning the Nature of Things,Old Trades and New Knowledge,An Introduction to Crystal Analysis,and The Universe of Light.His favorite hobby was golf.After a life of astonishing productiveness,Sir William Bragg died on March 10,1942.

小题1:William Henry Bragg was awarded the Nobel Prize because________.

A.he succeeded in using X­rays to find out the crystal structure

B.he was the first to use X­rays to help to do his experiment

C.he determined to learn everything well and then gave them up

D.he was successful in his research work with the help of his son小题2:According to this passage,William Henry Bragg was interested in all the subjects EXCEPT________.




D.sports小题3:Which one of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A.Bragg became a professor in the University of Adelaide in 1885.

B.Bragg won the Rumford Medal and the Copley Medal in the same year.

C.Bragg gained great achievements in many fields,including society.

D.Bragg and Lawrence wrote the book X­Rays and Crystal Structure.小题4:Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.William Henry Bragg’s Productive Life

B.William Henry Bragg:A Famous Author

C.Bragg and His Son—Two Great Scientists

D.X­rays and the Crystal Structure
