A project manager spent some days to create a multi-page document which he called project charter.The document should have been issued by the project sponsor.The sponsor found the document outsized and asked for a condensed document.Which of the following is not normally an element of the project charter ?()
A.The formal authorization to apply organizational resources to project activitie
B.Detailed control account and work package description
C.The business need that the project was undertaken to addres
D.The product description or a reference to this documen
项目经理花了些时间来创建一个多页的文档,它被称为项目章程。该文档必须由项目出资人来发布。出资人认为这个文档太大了,要求进行缩减。下列哪项不是项目章程正常包括的元素 A) 正式授权应用组织资源到项目活动中。 B) 详细的控制账户和丁作包描述。 C) 项目的商业需求。 D) 产品描述或文档的参考。 选项B是WBS字典里面的信息,不属于项目章程之内。