问题 选择题

2013年4月12日,中央宣传部、中央文明办等六部门召开电视电话会议,启动第四届全国道德模范评选表彰活动。评选分为“助人为乐模范”、“见义勇为模范”、“诚实守信模范”、“敬业奉献模范”和“孝老爱亲模范”五类。中宣部等部门办道德模范评选表彰活动是因为(   )








Dear Dr. Bamford,
     I know you are a famous scientist who has done great work on cloning (克隆) animals. Please excuse me
for writing to you, but I need your  1 . Let me explain.
     I am a 58-year-old man. I'm very rich. I live in a large house. My wife died three years ago; we didn't have
     So, am I  2 ? No, because Cindy is with me. Every night we eat dinner together and watch TV. Cindy sits
beside me  3  I feel very happy. I'm fascinated (着迷的) with her beautiful green eyes. She's also very smart.
Sometimes she thinks only about herself. But that's what I  4  about her. She is quite a beautiful Siamese cat.
There is no other cat like her in the whole world.
     These days I worry about  5   Cindy. She is getting older and older. Cats don't live  6  humans, of course,
so she will die before I do. I cannot imagine my life  7  Cindy.
     Well, why not get another cat after Cindy dies?  8 ! No other cat can even replace (替代) her.
      I have been thinking about this: Clone Cindy. Scientists are able to clone sheep and mice and other animals.
They should be able to clone cats without much  9 . Luckily, I am a rich man. I don't care how much money I
will spend cloning Cindy. I think  10  to clone pets. It's not cloning humans.
     What do you think? Could you clone Cindy?
                                                                                                                                           A rich man
( )1. A. cat          
( )2. A. lucky        
( )3. A. but          
( )4. A. like         
( )5. A. feeding      
( )6. A. as hard as   
( )7. A. with         
( )8. A. Certainly    
( )9. A. difficulty   
( )10. A. it's terrible
B. animals            
B. lonely             
B. or                 
B. hate               
B. catching           
B. as soon as         
B. without            
B. Impossible         
B. advice             
B. you aren't supposed
C. help      
C. healthy   
C. for       
C. mind      
C. losing    
C. so often as
C. of        
C. Really    
C. hope      
C. it's OK   
D. money             
D. happy             
D. and                       
D. stand             
D. training          
D. so long as        
D. about             
D. Wonderful         
D  chance            
D. you aren't allowed