问题 问答题

某施工队承担了一巷道的施工任务,该巷道净断面为16m2,长800m,锚喷支护。地质资料显示,工作面涌水量较小,围岩中等稳定,因距煤层较近,工作面有瓦斯洩出现象。施工单位编制、报审了施工技术措施,采用钻眼爆破法施工;多台气腿凿岩机打眼,炮眼深度均为2.4m,反向装药。为保证光面爆破效果,周边眼布置在断面轮廓线上,选用高密度、高爆速的炸药;采用不耦合装药的方式。技术措施经审核修改后组织实施。在施工过程中发生了以下事件: 事件一:一次爆破作业后,检查发现工作面有5个瞎炮和3个距瞎炮较远、深度约0.8m的残孔。为了处理瞎炮,施工人员立即用水冲洗了残孔,并对其进行钻眼加深,然后装药重新引爆5个瞎炮。 事件二:工作面爆破后,施工班级及时进行了通风和安全检查,然后利用气腿式凿岩机打设顶部锚杆孔。施工中顶板发生了局部冒顶事故,致使3名工作重伤。










Do You Need an MBA

Perhaps you have seen the media stories and some of the exciting career opportunities of MBAs, and you imagine, "That could be me ... " You might be well into the career of (26) dreams, but you have been told you will need an (27) to advance. Or, you may be at a (28) in your career and wonder how you should make a translation. (29) of what initially inspired you to consider an MBA degree, you (30) start with a thorough self-assessment process that will help you match your personal strengths and interests with your professional ones to help you explore (31) an MBA makes sense for you.
(32) helps you focus and articulate your thinking. Exhibiting undirected thinking or behavior might (33) you from gaining admission to an MBA program. More importantly, you will limit your return on investment if you (34) choose a school or are ill-prepared to take (35) of its educational opportunities. The MBA is very different from many (36) graduate degrees, in which academic promise is (37) paramount in the admissions process. At a minimum, business school (38) officers consider career history and aspirations, evidence of leadership potential, and academic achievement. (39) the typical MBA candidate has several years of full-time, post-undergraduate work experience in a (40) capacity and can clearly articulate motivations for MBA study.
A good self-assessment process will help you establish specific career and education goals (41) utilize your strengths (42) address your weaknesses. Lacking specific goals, you will be searching (43) direction for a school. How will you eliminate options, much (44) make a choice you will be happy with in the end (45) will you determine whether the MBA experience was a good value Whenever you are considering major changes in your life, self-assessment can help you clarify your goals and make wise decisions.

A. Self-assessment B. MBA C. Friendship D. Experience