营销是系统性的管理过程,既包括企业在流通领域内进行的___,又包括生产过程前_____和流通过程结束后的____ 。
参考答案:商品交换活动 市场调研活动 售后服务
已知:H2(g)+O2(g)=H2 O(g) △H=-241.8kJ·mol-1
C(s)+O2(g)=CO(g) △H=-110.5kJ·mol-1
写出焦炭与水蒸气反应的热化学方程式: 。
(2)已知汽缸中生成NO的反应为:N2(g)+O2(g)2NO(g) △H0,若1.0 mol空气含0.80 mol N2和0.20 mol O2,1300oC时在1.0 L密闭容器内经过5s反应达到平衡,测得NO为8.0×10-4 mol。
①5s内该反应的平均速率ν(NO) = (保留2位有效数字);在1300oC 时,该反应的平
衡常数表达式K= 。
②汽车启动后,汽缸温度越高,单位时间内NO排放量越大,原因是 。
(3)汽车尾气中NO和CO的转化。当催化剂质量一定时,增大催化剂固体的表面积可提高化学反应速率。右图表示在其他条件不变时,反应2NO(g)+2CO(g)2CO2(g)+N2(g) 中,NO的浓度
①该反应的△H 0 (填“>”或“<”)。
②若催化剂的表面积S1>S2,在右图中画出c(NO) 在T1、S2条件下达到平衡过程中的变化曲线(并作相应标注)。
Web browser is simply a terminal emulator, designed to display text on a screen. The two essential differences between an ordinary terminal emulator and a Web browser are that the browser knows how to deal with (71) , and that it has a mechanism for (72) graphical files. Display text, display graphics, and (73) hypefiinks, there’s 99 percent of the (74) value. That’s not to say that the manufacturers didn’t go all-out to attach a hyperactive efflorescence of useless capabilities onto their browsers. Remember when media channels in the browser were a big deal, instead of the clutter you can’t wait to delete from your favorites of bookmarks menu Remember when client-side Java applets were supposed to become the preferred (75) for application development Remember frames and all their nasty side effects
A.Web browser’s