问题 单项选择题










某实行监理的工程,建设单位与总承包单位按《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》签订了施工合同,总承包单位按合同约定将一专业工程分包。  施工过程中发生下列事件:  事件1:工程开工前,总监理工程师在熟悉设计文件时发现部分设计图纸有误,即向建设单位进行了口头汇报。建设单位要求总监理工程师组织召开设计交底会,并向设计单位指  出设计图纸中的错误,在会后整理会议纪要。  在工程定位放线期间,总监理工程师指派专业监理工程师审查《分包单位资格报审表》及相关资料,安排监理员到现场复验总承包单位报送的原始基准点、基准线和测量控制点。  事件2:由建设单位负责采购的一批材料,因规格、型号与合同约定不符,施工单位不予接收保管,建设单位要求项目监理机构协调处理。  事件3:专业监理工程师现场巡视时发现,总承包单位在某隐蔽工程施工时,未通知项目监理机构即进行隐蔽。  事件4:工程完工后,总承包单位在自查自评的基础上填写了工程竣工报验单,连同全部竣工资料报送项目监理机构,申请竣工验收。总监理工程师认为施工过程均按要求进行了验收,便签署了竣工报验单,并向建设单位提交了竣工验收报告和质量评估报告,建设单位收到该报告后,即将工程投入使用。  问题:



How did the Olympic Games start In ancient Greece athletic festivals were very important and had p ________ (1). Originally the Festival was held in honour of .Zeus, the supreme god in Greek Mythology. Eventually the Olympian athletic festival had lost its ________ (2) and became an international event. No one knows exactly ________ (3) the Olympic Games go, but some scholars recorded date from 776 B.C.According to some scholars, at first the only Olympic event was ________ (4), called a stadium and that was the only event until 724 B.C. After that, other ________ (5) were added and sixteen years later in ________ (6) the pentathlon was added and wrestling became part of the games. This pentathlon was a five-event match which ________ (7) running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus, and hurling the javelin.The games were held ________ (8) and after an uninterrupted history of 1170 years, the games ________ (9) in A.D. 394, the Christian era, because of their pagan origin.It was over ________ (10) before there was another such international athletics gathering. In 1896, the first of the modern ________ (11) opened in Athens, Greece.Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries ________ (12). The host country provides vast facilities such as stadiums and ________ (13).Many more sports are represented, including the very celebrated event: ________ (14).The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, ________ (15) on Mount Olympus by the sun’s rays. The torch is carried by ________ (16) to the stadium. The Olympic flame symbolizes the ________ (17) of the ancient Greek athletic ideals, and it burns throughout the Games until ________ (18). The well-known Olympic flag, however, is ________ (19): the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents ________ (20).