问题 问答题

某市公安局于1999年1月4日对刘某 (男,24岁)、张某(男,21岁)持刀抢劫致人重伤‘案立案侦查。经侦查查明,刘某、张某实施抢劫犯罪事实清楚,依法应当追究刑事责任。刘某、张某抢劫案于1999年3月30日侦查终结,移送市人民检察院审查起诉。市人民检察院审查后,认为该案部分事实、证据尚需补充侦查,遂退回市公安局补充侦查。补充侦查完毕,市公安局再次移送市人民检察院。市人民检察院认为事实清楚、证据充分,遂向市人民法院提起公诉。
法庭审理后认为,被告人张某、刘某构成抢劫罪,后果严重。根据《刑法》有关规定,判处刘某死刑,缓期2年执行;判处张某有期徒刑 10年。一审判决后,刘某不服,以量刑过重为由向上一级法院提出上诉;张某未上诉,市人民检察院亦未抗诉。



参考答案: 应当恢复法院调查。《刑诉解释》第166条规定:“在法庭辩论过程中,如果合议庭发现新的事实,认为有必要进行调查时,审判长可以宣布暂停辩论,恢复法庭调查,待该事实查清后继续法庭辩论。”

A. Function
B. Types
C. Advantages
D. Considerations
E. Importance
F. Shortcomings
Home security products give a homeowner peace of mind as well as the ability to protect loved ones and physical possessions around-the-clock.
Having the right security products equipped in a home can get rid of home invasion, theft and injury. Home security products should be hidden somewhat and not out in the open for invaders to see. Products that protect one's home should also be linked to the local police department so that they can be notified in the event of an emergency or break-in.
Security products are used for monitoring the home and the properties surrounding the home. Products are designed to warn the homeowner when invasion is taking place or someone is hidden around the property. Most systems are electronic or battery powered and some are linked with cables and satellites to keep a close watch on property.
There are four main kinds of home security products. The first kind is home entry and invasion protection--used for setting up a high tech alarm system. The second is window and door alarms, helpful in warning the homeowner as to who is coming in and out of the house and certain rooms in the home. The third is to keep the outside of the home protected by signaling. The fourth is a combination of security gates, cameras connected to a DVR, bars for windows and doors as well as sliding door lock.
One should consider the expense of equipping a complete security system. For most complete systems which include driveway alarms, cameras, and electronic keypads, many can cost from $100 to $10,000. The homeowner can equip individual security products based on the needs of the home and family to save money.
Preventing invasion, theft and injury can save thousands of dollars if the home was broken into and items were stolen. Having home security products equipped can also reduce car and auto insurance moneys.