问题 问答题

(一)  背景资料  某机电安装工程公司总承包一大型制药厂设备安装工程。合同约定,工程设备和主材由业主采购提供。  管道工程安装时,因业主提供的水泵迟迟不能到货而影响工期,项目部为保证施工进度自行采购部分水泵并进行安装,安装后被监理工程师发现,下令停工。经与业主协商,同意采用项目部购买的水泵。在试压时,发现项目部购买的水泵密封部位泄漏。  地下管网施工中,因设计图纸修改,增加了施工内容和工程量,业主仍坚持合同工期不变。为此项目部提出合同变更和索赔的申请。  该工程施工环境不确定因素较多,工期紧、任务重,项目部在施工准备阶段制订了人力资源储备预案,因施工范围扩大超过预期,该预案仍不能满足工程进度需要。  为赶工期,项目部将制药厂合成工段的压缩机安装分包给具备施工资质的施工单位。项目部编制了该工程施工组织设计,并编制压缩机施工方案,向分包单位进行交底,然后由分包单位组织施工。  问题



参考答案:(本小题4分)  提出合同变更的理由是:亘遘让缝趁(1分),葳王蓝泓(1分)。  可向业主提出签互塞蹙(1分)塑延翅塞蹙(1分)。

     As for daily life, I think that we will be able to    1    most of our shopping by    2    and this will be
taken to our homes, so    3    there won't be any    4    to go out to the    5    .I'm sure that most of our
homes will have a video    6   so we will be able to    7    the person we are talking to. We will also be 
   8    holovision which will give you three dimensional ( 三维的  ) life -size picture    9    your screen-this
will replace television.    10    important technology, there will be no more road accidents. Cars will be
guided by computers so people will not have to do any more driving.
     I think most of our food will be in the form of pills and liquids which will have all the vitamins and
protein(蛋白质 )    11    we need for a balanced diet. Only when we go out for social    12    will we eat
the same food as today, but we will    13    be eating meat.
     About once a year our bodies will go into a health center for a service in much the same way as a car 
   14    be repaired. So, for example, our veins( 静脉  ) will be cleaned out, our blood made pure, our
muscles built up and so on. Any part that is    15    could be replaced by a new plastic part. We will all
be much    16    by then anyway, because there will be more     17    for us to use for exercise. Also a
safe medicine will have been discovered which will allow people to lose or put on    18    as they need.
One exciting development will be the possibility of being deep frozen   19 . 
     A period of time and then   20   some years later. I would be interested in that myself.
( )1. A.order        
( )2. A.radio        
( )3. A of course    
( )4. A.time          
( )5. A. shops        
( )6. A. tape        
( )7. A. notice      
( )8. A. playing      
( )9. A. in          
( )10. A. Because of  
( )11.A. when        
( )12. A. meeting    
( )13. A. no longer  
( )14. A. has to      
( )15. A. run out    
( )16. A. prettier    
( )17. A. money      
( )18. A. height      
( )19. A. for        
( )20. A. getting    
B go          
B. telephone  
B. In fact    
B. money      
B. hospitals  
B. TV set      
B. listen to  
B. watching    
B. with        
B. Because    
B. how        
B. eating      
B. no more    
B. ought to    
B. turned out  
B. healthier  
B. places      
B. weight      
B. in          
B. waking up  
C. make          
C. computer      
C. after all      
C. nice          
C. schools        
C. television    
C. see            
C. making        
C. by            
C. Thank for      
C. that          
C. activity      
C. not any longer
C. might          
C. broken out    
C. busier        
C. room          
C. clothes        
C. during        
C. using up      
D. get            
D. car            
D. in all        
D. need          
D. need          
D. recorder      
D. hear          
D. finding        
D. on            
D. Instead of    
D. what          
D. problem        
D. not any more  
D. can[          
D. worn out      
D. cleverer      
D. free room      
D. performances  
D. by            
D. walking about  