问题 问答题

根据国际标准化组织(ISO)和我国有关质量、质量管理和质量保证标准的定义,凡工程产品质量没有满足某个规定的要求,就称之为质量不合格。根据1989年建设部颁布的第3号令《工程建设重大事故报告和调查程序规定》和1990年建设部(建工字第55号文件关于第3号部令)有关问题的说明:凡是工程质量不合格,必须进行返修、加固或报废处理,由此造成直接经济损失低于5000元的称为质量问题,直接经济损失在5000元 (含5000元)以上的称为工程质量事故。




Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.Allow for personal space
B.Show willingness to negotiate
C.Learn from conflict
D.Keep yourself calm
E. Focus on finding a solution
F. Talk about the mistakes
Ways to Deal with Conflict
In heated situations, we have a tendency to speak first and think after. This results in aggression which aggravates (使恶化) the conflict. Instead, pause before you speak, think about what the person has said to you, and respond appropriately. By giving yourself this time to think, you cool down, and you are less likely to speak with anger. A lot of the time, the other people may want to argue for the sake of arguing.
Everyone knows that people make mistakes because it’s human nature. However, it also seems to be human nature to fight acceptance of those mistakes. Conflicts often arise from mistakes, so it’s best to be upfront and honest about them. Identify the mistake that led to the conflict.
In conflict, if someone walks away, allow him to do that. Don’t follow the person you’re in conflict with into another room because you haven’t said all you want to say. You wouldn’t want him following you if you felt the need to leave the situation. Also, don’t hover too close to the person you’re in conflict with. Allow him room to breathe. Don’t make him feel as if you’re backing him into a corner.
It is very easy to point the finger or play the blame game when trouble arises. As easy as it is, it is not useful or productive. The main concern is to find a solution to the problem, not to determine who was wrong. If the problem is related to the work itself, keep the conversation focused on exactly what is wrong, and what can be done to fix it.
Be open to the idea of compromise and let the other person know this. Before you approach the conversation, be confident in your stance and know what you are willing to negotiate on and what you feel strongly should not be compromised. Do your best to be flexible. Look for a way to come to a conclusion that satisfies both parties.