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维也纳浓厚的音乐气氛和丰富的音乐源泉,不仅孕育诞生了许多伟大的音乐作品,还哺育了不少音乐天才。在音乐史上名垂千古的“交响乐之父”、古典主义音乐的卓越创始人海顿,就是在维也纳谱写了大量的交响乐,从而名扬全球的。和海顿同时代的莫扎特,他的那些流芳百世的作品,基本上也是这样维也纳居住的时候谱写的。音乐艺术的一代宗师贝多芬虽然生在德国,确实在维也纳想海顿学习作曲并一举成名的。歌曲之王舒伯特,则完完全全生在维也纳,长在维也纳。 下列说法与这段文字意思不符的一项是:







解析:解析 选项与文段进行一一对应:A选项原文只是说“那些流芳百世的作品基本实在维也纳居住时谱写”而并非他大部分的作品,属于概念偷换。B选项对应第二句“在音乐史上……交响乐之父、古典主义音乐的创始人海顿”。C选项对应倒数第二句“贝多芬……却也是在维也纳向海顿学习作曲”。D选项对应最后一句。因此,本题答案为A选项。 考点:细节判断题



     In December, 2010, many American newspapers publish a list of the best books of the year.

Freedom by Jonathan Franzen is one of the most repeatedly praised books on this year's list of

favorites. It tells about the ups and downs of the Berglund family over many years. Mr. Franzen

fills the book with sharp observations about American politics, culture and society.

     Jennifer Egan's book A Visit from the Goon Squad takes place in 13 chapters over 40 years.

The story moves back and forth in time, from different viewpoints. One main character is former

rock musician Bennie Salazar who works for a record company. The other main character is a

troubled young woman named Sasha who works for Bennie. The reader learns about their pasts

and those of their friends.

     The main character in The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman is a failing English Language

newspaper published in Rome, Italy. Each chapter of the book tells about a reporter or editor

working for this paper. Their stories are filled with intelligence and great personality.

     Two of the most popular nonfiction books of 2010 were about rock and roll stars. Just Kids

is by rock singer Patti Smith.It tells about her friendship with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe in the

1960s and 1970s before they became famous. Life is the autobiography of Rolling Stones guitarist

Keith Richards. It is an honest and exciting look at the development of rock and roll and the wild

times this famous band has experienced.

     Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand tells about a man named Louis Zamperini. She tells about his

extraordinary survival story after his plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean during Would War Two.

     Stacy Schiff has received great praise for her book Cleopatra: A Life. It tells about one of the

most misrepresented and famous women in his story, Cleopatra. She ruled ancient Egypt about

2,000 years ago.One critic said Ms. Schiff has brought Cleopatra to life again by unearthing her

story from centuries of lies.

1. How many books are mentioned in the passage?

A. 5.  

B. 6.  

C. 7.  

D. 8.

2. The following books are related to music EXCEPT________.

A. A Visit from the Goon Squad

B. The Imperfectionists

C. Just Kids

D. Life

3. If your major is the history of ancient Africa, you may pay attention to ________.

A. Freedom by Jonathan Franzen

B. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

C. Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff

D. The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman

4. Which book will give you a practical understanding of the USA?

A. Freedom.

B. Cleopatra: A Life.

C. Life.

D. A Visit from the Goon Squad.