问题 选择题

— I’m not the man ________the phone. She asked for Henry.

    — I’m sorry I was mistaken.

A.called on

B.calling over

C.wanted on

D.rung up on



wanted on the phone“电话中有人找”。



材料一 (1861年)2月19日颁布的废除农奴制度的法令共包括一系列文件……它的主要内容可归纳为以下几个方面:




四、关于改革后农民的管理组织。为了管理改革以后的农民,政府利用旧的村社组织…… ——周一良、吴于廑《世界通史·近代部分》

材料二 1959年9月21日,西藏自治区筹备委员会通过《关于废除封建农奴主土地所有制实行农民的土地所有制的决议》,决定对参加叛乱的农奴主的土地和其他生产资料一律没收,分配给农奴和奴隶;对未参加叛乱的农奴主的土地和其他生产资料由国家出钱赎买后,分配给农奴和奴隶。 ——梁俊艳、张云《中国西藏与欧关主要国家废除农奴制(奴隶制)比较》

材料三 1961年,西藏各地开始实行普选。昔日的农奴和奴隶破天荒的第一次获得了当家做主的权利。1965年9月,西藏自治区第一届人民代表大会成功召开,西藏自治区正式宣告成立。出席大会的301名代表中,藏族和其他少数民族代表占80% 以上,藏族代表中绝大多数是翻身农奴和奴隶。 ——《热地:我亲身经历了西藏历史发展的伟大转折》









[A] The Need for Science

[B] The Methods of Science

[C] The Challenge of Unsolved Problems

[D] The Specific Features of the Laws of Science

[E] The Steps in Establishing a Scientific Theory

[F] The Rapid Increase of Scientific Knowledge

It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all that is in it. and to find. if he is able. common factors which underlie and account for the facts that he knows. He chooses, when he can, the method of the "controlled experiment".

41. ______.

In the course of his inquiries the scientist may find what he thinks is one common explanation for an increasing number of facts. The explanation, if it seems consistently to fit the various facts, is called a hypothesis. If a hypothesis continues to stand the test of numerous experiments and remains unshaken, it becomes a law.

42. ______.

The "laws" of science differ from the "laws" of a country in two ways. First, a scientific law is liable at any time to need modifying. This happens when a fact is discovered which seems to contradict what the "law" would lead one to expect. The "law" may, in fact. have to be abandoned altogether. Second. a scientific "law" says, "This is likely to be the explanation", or "This accounts for the facts as far as we know them". But the "law" of the country says, "You must..." or "You must not..." The scientific "law" has no moral force; it is not binding on human behavior nor approved or opposed by human conscience.

43. ______.

The evidence as to the vastness of the universe and the complexity of its arrangements continues to grow at an amazing rate. The gap between what we know and all that can be known seems not to diminish, but rather to increase with every new discovery. Fresh unexplored regions are forever opening out. The rapidity of the growth of scientific knowledge, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is apt to give students and teachers the impression that no sooner is a problem stated than the answer is forthcoming. A more detailed study of the history of science corrects the impression that fundamental discoveries are made with dramatic suddenness. Even in our present age no less than fifty years separate the discovery of radioactivity from the explosion of the first atomic bomb. The teacher, giving his brief accounts of scientific discovery, is apt to forget the long periods of misunderstanding, of false hypotheses and general uncertainty, which almost invariably precede the clear statement of scientific truth.

44. ______.

The vast mass of information which scientists have gained has provided the answer to the fundamental questions which, through the centuries, have puzzled and sometimes tortured the human mind. There are many such questions. The study of parasites has provided evidence that organisms which could be self-supporting have become parasites, but hardly any light has been shed on the problem of why they should have done so. What enables an organism to respond to the poisonous secretions of harmful bacteria and organize its resources to defend its life

45. ______.

To raise the standard of living in any country, two things are required, scientific knowledge, and a population sufficiently educated to understand how to apply it. Without the latter, the expected benefits will not come.

Notes: ado 麻烦,忙乱。be binding on 对......有约束力。parasite 寄生虫。shed light on 使某事物更清楚些。 secretion 分泌物。
