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    As many as one in five US teenagers have some degree of hearing loss, according to researchers. They

say the problem is growing.

    Teenagers really don't pay attention to how much noise they are exposed (暴露) to, Josef Shargorodsky

of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston told Reuters. "Often people won't notice it, but even slight hearing

loss may affect language development," said Shargorodsky, one of the researchers.

    The study compared surveys from the early 1990s and the mid-2000s. Each included a few thousand

teenagers. In the first survey, about 15 percent of teenagers had some degree of hearing loss. Some 15 years

later, that number had risen by a third, to nearly 20 percent. 

    "This certainly is big news," said Alison Grimes, an ear doctor. Hearing loss is very common in old people,

Grimes said, but she added that it was worrying to see it happen in the younger age group.

    In babies and young children, hearing problems are known to slow language development. The science is

less clear for teenagers, but it is easy to imagine how being hard of hearing could affect learning, said Grimes. 

    The reasons for the rise are still unclear. When researchers asked teenagers about noise exposure-on the job,

at school or from activities, for example-the teenagers didn't report any change. But Shargorodsky said that

might not be true. "We knew from before that it is difficult to ask this age group about noise exposure-they

underestimate (低估) it." Few people would call it noise when they listen to music on their MP3 player, for

example. "There is a difference between what we think is loud and what is harmful to the ear," said Grimes. 

    Although it's not clear that the MP3 players cause teenagers' hearing loss, Grimes said it was still a good

idea to turn down the sound and take short breaks from listening.

1. According to the researchers, in a US class of 40 students, about _____ students have some degree of

    hearing loss. [ ]

A. one

B. five

C. six

D. eight

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the article? [ ]

A. Slight hearing loss does not influence learning.

B. Only a few old people have hearing problems.

C. Hearing problems can slow language development.

D. Noise exposure is clearly noticed by teenagers.

3. About hearing loss, it can be inferred that _____. [ ]

A. the reasons for the rise have been found

B. MP3 players are to blame

C. listening to loud music may be a cause

D. noise is the main reason

4. The article was written to _____. [ ]

A. warn teenagers that loud music might be harmful

B. explain what kinds of noises might affect studies

C. suggest that teenagers shouldn't listen to loud music

D. show how important hearing can be for learning


1-4: DCCA




①他好读书而不求甚解;每有会意,便欣然忘食。(  )

②他勤学却无钱买烛,只得在墙上凿洞,借邻人的烛光读书。(  )

③他很小就擅长书法,十二岁时见到父亲有本《笔说》藏在枕头中,就迫不及待地读了起来。(  )

④他少年时就痴迷读书,曾经在梦中看到所用之笔开了花,后来果然“斗酒诗百篇”,被誉为“诗仙”。(  )















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