问题 填空题

(8分)短周期元素 X、Y、Z 可组成化学式均为 XYZ3的四种化合物甲、乙、丙、丁。

(l)若甲中 X 的原子只有一个质子,Y 、Z均是第二周期元素,则 Y 元素原子的电子排布式为                ; X、Y 原子间可形成与烷烃结构类似的化合物,则该系列化合物的通式为                

(2)若乙是一种微溶于水的物质,其 Ksp 约为 6.8×10ˉ6,且 X、Y、Z 三种元素的原子序数之和为 26 , Y、Z 同周期,则乙的溶解平衡可表示为               ,其饱和溶液中X的离子的物质的量浓度约为                   mol/ L.

(3)若丙中X元素的焰色反应为黄色,Y与X同周期,Y 是同周期中原子半径最小的元素,丙与浓盐酸反应生成 Y 单质的化学方程式为                           

(4)若丁中 X、Y、Z 处于不同周期,且 X 原子最外层电子数为其次外层电子数的二倍,Z原子最外层电子数是其电子层数的二倍多1,则丁的结构式为           



Look at all the things around us: chairs, desks, cupboards, papers and pens in our classroom; motor cars, bicycles and buses in the streets; trees, plants and animals in the countryside; birds, aeroplanes and clouds in the sky; fishes, seaweeds and corals in the sea; stars, the moon and the sun in outer space. These and all other things including the human body, are examples of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has weight.
What Is Matter Made of
Since ancient times, learned men or philosophers have thought about matter and what it is made up of. One group of philosophers thought that matter was made .up of a substance called "hyle" (实质). Another group of philosophers said that matter was made up of four substances, namely earth, water, air and fire. A third group believed that matter was made up of very tiny particles which were too small to be seen. These particles were so small that they could never be further divided into smaller particles. They gave the particles the name atoms which means "those which cannot be divided". The difference between the various kinds of atoms and the ways in which they were joined were supposed to result in the different kinds of matter.
All these ideas arose purely from the mind and were not based on investigation. For many years, people believed in the second idea. But actually it is the third idea that is nearer to our present concept of matter.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
In the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. His laboratory work showed him that atoms could neither be divided into smaller parts nor could they be destroyed. He pictured matter as being made up of tiny solid spherical atoms. Today the idea of the atoms has been accepted. But further work has shown that contrary to Dalton’s findings, atoms are made up of even smaller particles.
