During an onsite company visit, Marsha Ward, CFA, accidentally overheard the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Stargazer, Inc. discussing the company’s pending offer to purchase Dynamica Enterprises, a retailer of Stargazer products. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, Ward may not use the information to take investment action because:()
A. the information relates to an offer.
B. she does not have a reasonably and adequate basis for taking investment action.
C. acting on the information would breach a duty to both Stargazer and Dynamica.
[分析]: 根据执业操守标准Ⅱ (A)(重要信息)的规定,会员不得利用重要非公开信息为自己或他人牟利。具体来讲,如果会员掌握了重要的非公开信息,且该信息有可能改变某项资产的市场价值,则会员不得自行或使他人基于该信息从事相关的投资活动。在本题中,Stargazer公司对本公司的产品零售商即将展开的要约收购活动显然属于重要非公开信息的范畴,因而Ward不能基于上述信息采取投资活动。 [考点] 资本市场诚信