When Jefferson Damon, CFA, joined NPSI Investing, NPSI began using a quantitative stock selection model that Damon had developed on his own personal time prior to his employment with NPSI. One year later when Damon left the firm, he found the original copy of the model that he had developed in a file at his home and presented it to his new employer, who immediately began using the model. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, did Damon violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct()
A. No.
B. Yes, because he misappropriated property that now belonged to NPSI.
C. Yes, because he failed to inform his new employer that the model was the same one used by his previous employer.
[分析]: 根据执业操守标准Ⅳ (A)(忠诚义务)的规定,会员在离职时,不得带走原雇主的财产,但在本例中,Damon向其新雇主提供的模型拷贝是他加入该公司之前利用业余时间开发的,从而上述拷贝不是原雇主(NPSI公司)的财产,Damon有权对其加以处置。因此,Damon的上述行为并未违反CFA协会执业操守标准的相关规定。 [考点] 对雇主的义务