After work each day, Shinichi Takada, CFA, runs a popular internet blog where he comments on micro-cap stocks. The blog includes a biography of Takada with his education and employment history. He receives no compensation for the blog. On the blog, Takada recommends purchases and sales of stocks based upon astrology. When blogging, Takada least likely violates CFA Institute Standards relating to.()
A. fair dealing.
B. duty to employer.
C. diligence and reasonable basis.
[分析]: Takada在其博客中使用占星术提供股票投资建议的行为有可能对其雇主公司的声誉产生不利影响,同时,他的上述执业行为也不符合执业操守标准所做出的尽职、合理的基本要求。但是,考虑到他的博客是面向全体公众的,亦即任何潜在投资者都可以阅读到博客中的内容,因而他的行为并未违反有关对雇主义务的规定。 [考点] 对客户的义务;对雇主的义务