Thanh is the head of finance of a large Vietnamese company. His labour agreement with the company is for a definite term of one year and he has been working for the company for eight months.Thanh has been approached by the general director of a large competitor of his present employer and has been offered a new management position with the company that will greatly enhance his income and provide significantly improved fringe benefits, including a company car and private medical care. However, the competitor is anxious that Thanh can start the new job within the next week, as the previous manager died suddenly and must be replaced as a matter of priority.When Thanh informed his current employer of his desire to leave within the next week the general director insisted that the company would require Thanh to continue working for the company for the remaining four months of his contract.Required:Analyse the legal positions of Thanh and his employer in relation to Thanh’s desire to leave the company at short notice and the company’s desire to insist that he remains with the company. (10 marks)