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In the near future, professors will run their courses over digital platforms capable of collecting data on each student’s progress. These platforms were initially developed for massive open online courses. However, universities are now folding these platforms back into their traditional classes because they make it easier to share content, host discussions and keep track of student work.Soon, they will be able to monitor which students are spending 15 minutes on a calculus problem and which ones slog away for an hour. This can raise red flags for professors about who might need extra help.As more classes move partially or entirely online, the requirements of having a uniform start and end date diminish. It means some students could sail through a semester’s worth of classes in a few weeks and then start again with new courses.It used to be that getting accepted to a prestigious university was how you accessed the best professors and could hang out with the smartest students. That’s because universities were, for the most part, closed information systems that doled out their content to a select few. That’s changing.


参考答案: 参考译文:在不久的将来,教授们将会使用一种能够收集每位学生的学习进度数据的数字平台来授课。最初开发这些平台是为了服务于海量的在线公开课程。然而,由于这些平台能够更加便捷地分享教学内容、开展课程讨论并同步学生学业进度,现如今各大高校都转而将其应用到传统课堂中。很快,这些平台将能够监测哪些学生在某个微积分问题上仅花费了15分钟,而哪些却苦干了一个小时。红旗标识将会被标出,以便教授们了解哪些学生需要额外帮助。随着更多的课程被部分或全部搬到网上,学校不再需要统一的课程起止时间。这就意味着有些学生可以在几周内完成整个学期的课程,然后再投入新课程的学习。过去,要想在一所著名大学里有所发展,就要了解如何结识最出色的教授以及结交最聪明的学生。那是因为,大多数情况下,大学都曾是封闭的信息系统,只对少数出类拔萃的群体开放其教学内容。但这些都在改变。

解析: 【评析】 1、However, universities are now folding these platforms back into their traditional classes because they make it easier to share content, host discussions and keep track of student work.解析:fold back 在这里体现出数字平台最初开发为了服务在线教学,但高校如今将它的应用回归到传统教学中。为了译出back的意思,使用“转而”比较贴切。share content, host discussions, keep track of student work在结构和内容上并行,因此在保留原文动宾结构的情况下,利用增译法将三个名词分别译为“教学内容”、“课程讨论”和“学业进度”,在内容上也相互呼应。参考译文:然而,由于这些平台能够更加便捷地分享教学内容、开展课程讨论并同步学生学业进度,现如今各大高校都转而将其应用到传统课堂中。2、Soon, they will be able to monitor which students are spending 15 minutes on a calculus problem and which ones slog away for an hour.解析:原文中花费15分钟和苦干一小时形成对比,因此翻译时需要体现此对比关系。参考译文:很快,这些平台将能够监测哪些学生在某个微积分问题上仅花费了15分钟,而哪些却苦干了一个小时。3、It used to be that getting accepted to a prestigious university was how you accessed the best professors and could hang out with the smartest students.解析:getting accepted to不要直译为“为......所接受”,否则太过生硬。access意为“接近,使用”,hang out 意为“与......出去玩”,此处根据上下文意思,译为“结识”和“结交”更加恰当。参考译文:过去,要想在一所著名大学里有所发展,就要了解如何结识最出色的教授以及结交最聪明的学生。
