问题 单项选择题

2009年1月1日,中 * * 、国务院发布了《关于2009年促进农业稳定发展农民持续增收的若干意见》。为贯彻落实这一文件精神,具体部署有关工作,××市人民政府决定于2009年1月16日发文召开各县(市、区)政府一把手和主管农业领导参加的农村工作会议。假如由你代拟这份公文,请就下列问题作答。





解析: 成文日期要用汉字小写书写,阿拉伯数字与汉字不能混用,同时年、月、日要齐全,零要写成“○”。


第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


How a person reacts to criticism often means the difference between success and failure.Take Ole Bull for example. His  21   father,a chemist,wanted him to study for the ministry and forbade him to play his beloved(心爱的)violin. He soon gave up the course and,disobeying his father, 22  all his time and energy to the violin.

Unfortunately,though he had great ability,his teachers were   23  unskilled,so that by the time he was ready to start his concert tour he wasn't prepared. In Italy a Milan newspaper critic(批评家)wrote:“He is a(n)   24   musician.If he is a diamond,he is certainly in the rough and unpolished.”There were two ways Ole Bull could have    25   to that criticism.He could have let it make him angry,or he could learn from it.Fortunately he chose the   26 .He went to the newspaper office and asked to see the critic.The   27   editor introduced him. Ole spent the evening with the 70 year old critic,asked about his faults,and sought the old man's

28   on how to correct them.Then he cancelled the rest of his tour,returned home,and   29   the next six months studying under really able teachers. He practiced hour after hour to overcome his   30 .Finally,he returned to his concerts and,when only 26, became the wonder of Europe.

21.A.awkward     B generous       C.stubborn      D.confident

22.A.devoted       B donated        C.supplied      D. allocated

23.A.absolutely    B.completely  C relatively       D.gradually

24.A.untrained     B.gifted        C.mature        D.1eading

25.A.referred       B.attracted     C.affected      D.reacted

26.A.former        B.1atter        C.1ater          D.early

27.A.frightened    B ashamed       C.astonished    D convinced

28  A.advice         B.attitude      C.virtue         D wisdom

29.A.totaled       B.squeezed      C.spent          D.spared

30.A.mistakes     B.troubles       C.difficulties   D.faults
