问题 综合


材料一 伊犁河流尚在天山北支婆罗科努山与南支哈尔克山之间,最后经哈萨克斯坦注入巴尔喀什湖,其入湖水量占到总入水量的75% -80%左右。伊犁河为新疆径流量最丰富河流。伊犁河谷历史上是古丝绸之路的北道要冲。

材料二 巴尔喀什湖是世界上极少数有咸淡湖水分别占半的湖,以湖泊中部的萨雷姆瑟克半岛以北的乌泽纳拉尔湖峡(宽约3.5公里)为界。西部平均含盐量仅有1.48%0,东部平均含盐量则达到10.42%o

材料三 下图为伊犁河和巴尔喀什湖位置略图。












     The Chinese diet is considered(认为)to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit
and green ___1___. It is rich in fibre and ___2___in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than
people in many other ___3___in the world. That is why lots of people in China have healthy white
___4___.       People in the Western world do not eat such healthy foods. They eat too ___5___
fat and sugar and don’t take ___6___exercise. Because of this, they put on weight very ___7___.
Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate.
They ___8___a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. The ___9___is that
many of them become fat. And some have bad teeth. In some ___10___of Britain, one person in ten,
by the age of thirty, has no teeth left!
( )1. A. plants      
( )2. A. high        
( )3. A. plac es    
( )4. A. bodies      
( )5. A. many        
( )6. A. some        
( )7. A. easily      
( )8. A. like        
( )9. A. question    
( )10.A. place      

B. vegetables  
B. rich        
B. cities      
B. faces        
B. much        
B. any          
B. easy        
B. eat          
B. reason      
B. houses      

C. food    
C. low    
C. states  
C. teeth  
C. good    
C. enough  
C. well    
C. want    
C. result  
C. parts  

D. things        
D. little        
D. countries      
D. tooth          
D. best          
D. many          
D. good          
D. enjoy          
D. trouble        
D. cities        
